Why Don't I Shut UP?
Wednesday, April 28
I was chatting on e-mail today with my best ole buddy T. I won't post real names cause i don't want to embarrass anyone...specially teresa...OOPS. HAHAH. Seriously, I love to give her a jab now and then about the bands she listens to. "Now and then" equates roughly to every fifteen minutes. Anyhoo...Teresa is a fan of real rock music. You know what i'm tawkin' bout. Leather and hair and explosions and shit like that. And, honestly, I like a lot of that stuff too...i just never admit it to her (boy am I in for it now).
We were discussing her "Concert Schedule" (which looked as full as Carney Phillips in a doughnut shop). The list contained artists like Metallica (of course - her all-time fav), Kid Rock (who i can NOT stand), Van Halen (rawk!), Some hair band i'd never heard of, Tesla, and yadda yadda on and on...Note: had there been Judas Priest on that list I'd probably not even bothered typing this up.
But anyway, I started razzing her about giving bad music false hope she gave me a brilliant "touche'" She said "Me and EVERYONE else who helps sell out their shows." And so I started doing a little homework cause after all, I am a fucking nerd. And of course I found nothing on billboard.com but britney, beyonce, and prince...all very lovely ladies.
So I did a search for "top concert tours" and guess what i found. Well, I found a buncha new artists but i also saw in the top twenty the following: Scorpions, Bon Jovi, Aerosmith, Metallica....granted they aren't LA Guns or Poison (two other favorites of T that i really tend to cringe at). But she's right...people dig this stuff. People don't want to go to a concert and see a bunch of depressed screaming midgets bouncing around crying about how bad their life is. They want to party and get loud and scream and act like fools. Am I right or wrong? Me personally, I want to see good musicians regardless of the style. Because you can be a great musician and put on a horrible show (ie: Yngwivivieeieee Malmsteen)
AND NO, i'm not giving T a hard time or a bad additude or whatever pile of chum you want to throw on me. She likes what she likes and she doesn't make excuses. Personally, I'd love to see AC/DC. I wouldn't mind a little Van Halen either if i didn't have to sell my kid to get a ticket...but then again, its not really Van Halen without Diamond Dave....But again, another opinion that means jack shit to everyone but me.
We were discussing her "Concert Schedule" (which looked as full as Carney Phillips in a doughnut shop). The list contained artists like Metallica (of course - her all-time fav), Kid Rock (who i can NOT stand), Van Halen (rawk!), Some hair band i'd never heard of, Tesla, and yadda yadda on and on...Note: had there been Judas Priest on that list I'd probably not even bothered typing this up.
But anyway, I started razzing her about giving bad music false hope she gave me a brilliant "touche'" She said "Me and EVERYONE else who helps sell out their shows." And so I started doing a little homework cause after all, I am a fucking nerd. And of course I found nothing on billboard.com but britney, beyonce, and prince...all very lovely ladies.
So I did a search for "top concert tours" and guess what i found. Well, I found a buncha new artists but i also saw in the top twenty the following: Scorpions, Bon Jovi, Aerosmith, Metallica....granted they aren't LA Guns or Poison (two other favorites of T that i really tend to cringe at). But she's right...people dig this stuff. People don't want to go to a concert and see a bunch of depressed screaming midgets bouncing around crying about how bad their life is. They want to party and get loud and scream and act like fools. Am I right or wrong? Me personally, I want to see good musicians regardless of the style. Because you can be a great musician and put on a horrible show (ie: Yngwivivieeieee Malmsteen)
AND NO, i'm not giving T a hard time or a bad additude or whatever pile of chum you want to throw on me. She likes what she likes and she doesn't make excuses. Personally, I'd love to see AC/DC. I wouldn't mind a little Van Halen either if i didn't have to sell my kid to get a ticket...but then again, its not really Van Halen without Diamond Dave....But again, another opinion that means jack shit to everyone but me.
Tuesday, April 27
WOW, I love a good brawl. If you're just signing on for the first time or haven't been out here for a while then scroll down and read some of the comments sections. People are TESTY lately. Like I said, I love a good argument, all I'm going to ask is this: If you post a comment, please post your real name. Don't hide here...there's nothing to hide from. Opinions are opinions, right? But don't post as anonymous just cause you want to hurt feelings or attempt to be outrageous...iiiiiight?
That being said, everyone seemed to like the guest blogs so I'll probably try and get a few more on here at some point. Its always nice to get someone's opinion. I'd love to be able to pull someone in that is a bit more conservative maybe. Someone who can shed a positive spin on the FCC or Bush issues. And NO not so I can argue. I think its a good idea for people to get both sides of the story so they can make an educated decision. So many times i hear folks echoing things they've heard around the water cooler. They don't really take the time to read the paper or watch the news. They hear something said in passing and latch onto it. So I'm all for trying to provide some sort of even information on the subjects that I tend to over-spout about.
I'm not sure how the weather has been where YOU are but its been like a roller coaster round here. Last week we got up to over 80 degrees and then two days laters its in the forties. Today there is sun peeking through but my system is so screwed up. I woke up with a head fulla snot and i"m either being stricken with allergies, a curse, or a cold. I'm hoping on the first...if not the first then the second cause I don't need a stinkin' cold. I"m wondering if this is that kooky global warming ozone nightmare that everyone has been talking about. I half expect ice bergs to be parked off the coast of new jersey...
I have a question for you guys and this is going to take a group effort. I'm am at a COMPLETE stand-still as far as new music. I listen to the radio stations from time to time and I"m having trouble finding something new that I like. For instance, I heard a band called Burden Brothers. This band consists of the lead singer from the now-defunct Toadies, as well as members of Ministry, Izzy Stradlin/GNR, and a few other odd bands. Let me just go on the record here to say I think GnR is terrible. I can't stand Ministry and Izzy Stradlin wants to be Keith Richards so goddamned bad that he's talking about getting hooked on heroin just for the experience. BUUUUUT, the music I heard was really really good. The tune I heard was called "Beautiful Night" and I really liked it but other than that I'm not really hearing a ton of new stuff that interests me. Another band I am really taking a liking to is Muse. Kinda old-radiohead-ish with a few quirky outbursts from time to time. New Starsailor disk is killer! And Hoobastank...ya know if those guys had a different name they'd be superstars by now. That single "The Reason" is perfect. ITS PERFECT!!! Every song on BOTH of their albums is a hit but the band name is just a little too high on the cringe factor....THE NAME!!!! So for the sake of keeping new music alive, please post a comment on the board and tell me what you're listening to. This is an opportunity to get new music in other people's hands. post, suckas!!!
OH...coming next week...more bubba stories!!!! Its been a while and I thought it would be fun to jump back into that one so stay tuned.
That being said, everyone seemed to like the guest blogs so I'll probably try and get a few more on here at some point. Its always nice to get someone's opinion. I'd love to be able to pull someone in that is a bit more conservative maybe. Someone who can shed a positive spin on the FCC or Bush issues. And NO not so I can argue. I think its a good idea for people to get both sides of the story so they can make an educated decision. So many times i hear folks echoing things they've heard around the water cooler. They don't really take the time to read the paper or watch the news. They hear something said in passing and latch onto it. So I'm all for trying to provide some sort of even information on the subjects that I tend to over-spout about.
I'm not sure how the weather has been where YOU are but its been like a roller coaster round here. Last week we got up to over 80 degrees and then two days laters its in the forties. Today there is sun peeking through but my system is so screwed up. I woke up with a head fulla snot and i"m either being stricken with allergies, a curse, or a cold. I'm hoping on the first...if not the first then the second cause I don't need a stinkin' cold. I"m wondering if this is that kooky global warming ozone nightmare that everyone has been talking about. I half expect ice bergs to be parked off the coast of new jersey...
I have a question for you guys and this is going to take a group effort. I'm am at a COMPLETE stand-still as far as new music. I listen to the radio stations from time to time and I"m having trouble finding something new that I like. For instance, I heard a band called Burden Brothers. This band consists of the lead singer from the now-defunct Toadies, as well as members of Ministry, Izzy Stradlin/GNR, and a few other odd bands. Let me just go on the record here to say I think GnR is terrible. I can't stand Ministry and Izzy Stradlin wants to be Keith Richards so goddamned bad that he's talking about getting hooked on heroin just for the experience. BUUUUUT, the music I heard was really really good. The tune I heard was called "Beautiful Night" and I really liked it but other than that I'm not really hearing a ton of new stuff that interests me. Another band I am really taking a liking to is Muse. Kinda old-radiohead-ish with a few quirky outbursts from time to time. New Starsailor disk is killer! And Hoobastank...ya know if those guys had a different name they'd be superstars by now. That single "The Reason" is perfect. ITS PERFECT!!! Every song on BOTH of their albums is a hit but the band name is just a little too high on the cringe factor....THE NAME!!!! So for the sake of keeping new music alive, please post a comment on the board and tell me what you're listening to. This is an opportunity to get new music in other people's hands. post, suckas!!!
OH...coming next week...more bubba stories!!!! Its been a while and I thought it would be fun to jump back into that one so stay tuned.
Monday, April 26
Oh...i wanted to tack something on to the end of that last blog sandwich but I forgot. The highlight of the evening was when we were closing our set. I basically said "thanks and bye bye and all that..." But I closed with a quick blurb about voting and who NOT to vote for. I said "Whatever you do...whatever party you're with, DO NOT VOTE FOR BUSH." And to my surprise, no heavy objects flew at my head. On the contrary, the crowd blew up. It was good to know that people are reading the papers and watching the news and coming to their own opinions.
Its becoming a really scary thing over there in Iraq. I think that, we as normal citizens, can't afford to let this turn into another Vietnam. I don't see that happening but I'm afraid of history repeating itself as time goes on. Iraq is a tough nut to crack and I am wondering if it was a nut we should've tried to crack in the first place. But regardless, please please please continue to support the men and women over there. They don't want to be over there anymore than I want them there. BUT they're doing it for you and I and our kids and their kids. So even if you're like me and don't agree with Bush's decisions or motives, we have to make sure to produce a collective effort to show the soldiers over there that we DO appreciate them.
Like I said before: Democrat or not, do your homework and look at what Bush is putting on the plate. Look at his record for misdirection, for scapegoating, for out and out public mistruth. And yeah, you can argue that most politicians have that sort of track record. Okay, fair enough. But f you want to lose your right to speak freely, lose your right to choose what you can read and watch and listen to, if you want to keep sending kids to their death in a land that we don't need or have reason to occupy, then by all means vote for Bush. I, personally, dont feel a need to be TOLD what religion to pray to. It has no bearing on governing a nation. It has no weight in whether you're a good or bad person. My vote this time around is going Democrat because we need a change of the guard.
Its becoming a really scary thing over there in Iraq. I think that, we as normal citizens, can't afford to let this turn into another Vietnam. I don't see that happening but I'm afraid of history repeating itself as time goes on. Iraq is a tough nut to crack and I am wondering if it was a nut we should've tried to crack in the first place. But regardless, please please please continue to support the men and women over there. They don't want to be over there anymore than I want them there. BUT they're doing it for you and I and our kids and their kids. So even if you're like me and don't agree with Bush's decisions or motives, we have to make sure to produce a collective effort to show the soldiers over there that we DO appreciate them.
Like I said before: Democrat or not, do your homework and look at what Bush is putting on the plate. Look at his record for misdirection, for scapegoating, for out and out public mistruth. And yeah, you can argue that most politicians have that sort of track record. Okay, fair enough. But f you want to lose your right to speak freely, lose your right to choose what you can read and watch and listen to, if you want to keep sending kids to their death in a land that we don't need or have reason to occupy, then by all means vote for Bush. I, personally, dont feel a need to be TOLD what religion to pray to. It has no bearing on governing a nation. It has no weight in whether you're a good or bad person. My vote this time around is going Democrat because we need a change of the guard.
So everyone is wondering how the last show went. Well first off let me thank a few people. The people I'm thanking are folks who made it a point to come check us out on a regular basis...just cause you're not on the list below doesn't mean we don't love you (we dont..haha). I just wanted to make it a point to thank the people who put miles on their car to come see us over the last few years:
Bill R., Perry County Nikki, Doug, Jen G., Mike StP, Teresa B., Kev and Lissa, Brandi and Alex, Summer, Scott G ...i'm sure there are a ton of others but these are the ones who REALLY went out of their way to make us feel special.
Anyway, the show was a drunken display of Drives Like Fire in full rawk tilt. Bob was a stick droppin' mofo...and you know, 5 out of the 6 sticks he lost cracked me in the back of the head (he was aiming...i'm sure of it). So we busted out our set and we had a blast doing it but my one complaint was this: The PA was waaay too loud. I'm talkin' AC/DC loud....that really sucks to be sitting in front of that sort of audio abuse but hey...if its too loud, you're too old...either that or you just don't like loud music or something...hahah
So it was a fun show...we got messed up...our close friends and fans came out to support us. The ones who didn't...well, what can I say. you suck...there I said it...hahahaha. you should all be very ashamed!!!
Seriously though, thanks to everyone. And support your local bands
Bill R., Perry County Nikki, Doug, Jen G., Mike StP, Teresa B., Kev and Lissa, Brandi and Alex, Summer, Scott G ...i'm sure there are a ton of others but these are the ones who REALLY went out of their way to make us feel special.
Anyway, the show was a drunken display of Drives Like Fire in full rawk tilt. Bob was a stick droppin' mofo...and you know, 5 out of the 6 sticks he lost cracked me in the back of the head (he was aiming...i'm sure of it). So we busted out our set and we had a blast doing it but my one complaint was this: The PA was waaay too loud. I'm talkin' AC/DC loud....that really sucks to be sitting in front of that sort of audio abuse but hey...if its too loud, you're too old...either that or you just don't like loud music or something...hahah
So it was a fun show...we got messed up...our close friends and fans came out to support us. The ones who didn't...well, what can I say. you suck...there I said it...hahahaha. you should all be very ashamed!!!
Seriously though, thanks to everyone. And support your local bands
Friday, April 23
Hey Bloggers, we have another guest blog on deck. Please take a gander at Jessica Witmers words:
So I feel I need to address something. My brother has quit music. He has disbanded the band and for now has quit. What would make him give up on his dream? He wanted so desperately to be a musician, but he no longer believed in it or at least that it would happen for him. Thats my take on it, with the information I was given. Im not there every day so I cant tell you all the factors that went into it. The years of disappointment and obscurity had finally gotten to him. It scared me. All he ever wanted was to get signed and make a living doing what he loved. I started to wonder how many of us have given up on our own dreams no matter how small or simple they are. How many of us woke up one day and said, this just isnt going to happen to me.
Im no different. My dream however is on a much smaller scale. I once wanted to be an actress. I even went to college and majored in it. Then one day I woke up and realized, I have a problem called stage fright. I sound great in my shower, but in front of an audience, I choke. Im not my brother and I dont have an ability to kick it. So my dreams became smaller, until they became just one thing: love.
How many of us believed, as kids, that Prince Charming was going to ride up on that white horse and sweep us away? And how many of us, as we got older realized Trigger broke his leg and Prince Charming was hit by a bus? I am a woman who wanted desperately to be in love but had given up believing in it. I have loved two men in my life, one who in college was the love of my life my life. For whatever reasons, it didnt work out. He is still the man that I look back on and can say he owns my heart and my soul. I always said I would find him some day for whatever good it would do. However, he died three years ago. The other is a man who, after only six months of being out of our three-year relationship, is marrying someone else. Some of you know him (Lets refer to him as Sparky), and know that he doesnt deserve more of an explanation than that. So I understand disappointment and frustration. I understand what its like to say, you know what, this is not going to happen. Im at an age when most people are on their third or fourth kid and living the suburban dream. Everyone says, when you least expect it, it will happen. But what if it doesnt? Not everyone meets The One. It doesnt happen to everyone. Maybe it wont happen to me. Most people are kidding themselves. Locked into relationships because they believe that person is the one but what they really are is taking up space and allowing them to not be alone.
Maybe Im luckiest of all. I know so many people who are living the ideal suburban existence and are miserable. They hate the sight of their spouse, they hate their job, and they hate that they are so tied down. Im lucky, or so they tell me. Im free to do whatever I want. I can go wherever at whatever time of day. I have a job that I happen to like. It doesnt pay a whole lot, so hence the need for a second job. But its something that I can be proud of that does good for a lot of people. I work a lot, but I have the satisfaction of saying I can stand on my own two feet without anyone helping me. I believe that we are put on this earth for a reason. That we are all meant to do great things. Whether we take hold of that or not is up to us. Sometimes its not the path we expect, like my brother and music. He thought that was what he was meant to do, but slowly its becoming apparent that its something else. We all get let down and beaten down. Its how we pull ourselves up and dust ourselves off that determines what kind of person we are. Sure Sparky broke my heart, sure he let me down and made me doubt myself, but I will get up and go on. Thats what I do. My first love is no longer in this world to inspire and challenge me, but in my heart he still does. He used to tell me I could do anything and I know deep down hes right. After we broke up, he was still there watching, silently routing for me, and I know now from somewhere else he still does. Something like that doesnt happen twice in a lifetime. All we can do is find the next best thing to fill our hearts and for some of us we realize that its not always a person. If Im destined to be Crazy Cat Lady, then so be it. But I will do it my way, on my own terms. I will never, ever settle.
For those of you in relationships or married, look at your spouse for the first time with new eyes. See them for who they are and cherish them. If you cant then maybe you shouldnt be there. For those of us, not so lucky, find your path, even if its the road less taken, and follow it. Dont walk, run.
So I feel I need to address something. My brother has quit music. He has disbanded the band and for now has quit. What would make him give up on his dream? He wanted so desperately to be a musician, but he no longer believed in it or at least that it would happen for him. Thats my take on it, with the information I was given. Im not there every day so I cant tell you all the factors that went into it. The years of disappointment and obscurity had finally gotten to him. It scared me. All he ever wanted was to get signed and make a living doing what he loved. I started to wonder how many of us have given up on our own dreams no matter how small or simple they are. How many of us woke up one day and said, this just isnt going to happen to me.
Im no different. My dream however is on a much smaller scale. I once wanted to be an actress. I even went to college and majored in it. Then one day I woke up and realized, I have a problem called stage fright. I sound great in my shower, but in front of an audience, I choke. Im not my brother and I dont have an ability to kick it. So my dreams became smaller, until they became just one thing: love.
How many of us believed, as kids, that Prince Charming was going to ride up on that white horse and sweep us away? And how many of us, as we got older realized Trigger broke his leg and Prince Charming was hit by a bus? I am a woman who wanted desperately to be in love but had given up believing in it. I have loved two men in my life, one who in college was the love of my life my life. For whatever reasons, it didnt work out. He is still the man that I look back on and can say he owns my heart and my soul. I always said I would find him some day for whatever good it would do. However, he died three years ago. The other is a man who, after only six months of being out of our three-year relationship, is marrying someone else. Some of you know him (Lets refer to him as Sparky), and know that he doesnt deserve more of an explanation than that. So I understand disappointment and frustration. I understand what its like to say, you know what, this is not going to happen. Im at an age when most people are on their third or fourth kid and living the suburban dream. Everyone says, when you least expect it, it will happen. But what if it doesnt? Not everyone meets The One. It doesnt happen to everyone. Maybe it wont happen to me. Most people are kidding themselves. Locked into relationships because they believe that person is the one but what they really are is taking up space and allowing them to not be alone.
Maybe Im luckiest of all. I know so many people who are living the ideal suburban existence and are miserable. They hate the sight of their spouse, they hate their job, and they hate that they are so tied down. Im lucky, or so they tell me. Im free to do whatever I want. I can go wherever at whatever time of day. I have a job that I happen to like. It doesnt pay a whole lot, so hence the need for a second job. But its something that I can be proud of that does good for a lot of people. I work a lot, but I have the satisfaction of saying I can stand on my own two feet without anyone helping me. I believe that we are put on this earth for a reason. That we are all meant to do great things. Whether we take hold of that or not is up to us. Sometimes its not the path we expect, like my brother and music. He thought that was what he was meant to do, but slowly its becoming apparent that its something else. We all get let down and beaten down. Its how we pull ourselves up and dust ourselves off that determines what kind of person we are. Sure Sparky broke my heart, sure he let me down and made me doubt myself, but I will get up and go on. Thats what I do. My first love is no longer in this world to inspire and challenge me, but in my heart he still does. He used to tell me I could do anything and I know deep down hes right. After we broke up, he was still there watching, silently routing for me, and I know now from somewhere else he still does. Something like that doesnt happen twice in a lifetime. All we can do is find the next best thing to fill our hearts and for some of us we realize that its not always a person. If Im destined to be Crazy Cat Lady, then so be it. But I will do it my way, on my own terms. I will never, ever settle.
For those of you in relationships or married, look at your spouse for the first time with new eyes. See them for who they are and cherish them. If you cant then maybe you shouldnt be there. For those of us, not so lucky, find your path, even if its the road less taken, and follow it. Dont walk, run.
Thursday, April 22
So today is "Bring Your Kids To Work" Day. I was actually considering bringing one of the rugrats in with me. But then I got to thinking. This has nothing but bad news written all over it. First off, the whole idea of chasing my kids through a myriad of cables and servers and PCs just sent a chill down my back. How would I explain that my kid yanked the T1 for the entire company out of the wall? Second, how freakin' bored would a kid be sitting here watching me pretend to look busy??? Sure, they'd be out of school which is always cool on the surface. But, Jesus, i'm falling asleep just considering how bored she'd be.
So then I got to thinking, they should start a "Take A Friend To Work" Day. Screw that Take A Kid To Work crap. Think about it. You could tell your boss, "hey, its Take A Friend To Work Day. My buddy Matt invited me to go to work with him down at the Cheese Factory." And he could tell his boss that he was coming to my work with me. Then we'd all meet at the amusement park and throw Snak Pak chocolate puddings off the Ferris Wheel at people and yell "DUCK DIARRHEA!!!!" How fun would that be??
Its basically the same concept as "i'm sleeping over at billy's house..." then you and billy run around town changing the letters on business signs to read perverted things like "Big Sale: Huge Cocks Half Off." Ya gotta be careful with that one. If you get caught, apparently the punishment is 48 hours of community service raking leaves that the High School while the students point and laugh....but I wouldn't know about that one.
Or maybe Take A Badger To Work...that could be fun. Or how about Take Your Pants Off At Work...that might NOT be that fun. Just thinking outloud.
I got one of those camera phones. The only thing they're good for is catching people in the act. Oh they're so much fun. I especially love taking snapshots of folks in the cafeteria just as they're shoving meatloaf into their mouth. i'm gathering quite the collection. On my last day here i'm going to hack the company website and put pics of higher ups standing in the hallway, digging their jockeys out of their cracks. Needless to say, I'm not allowed to take my phone into the bathroom anymore.
I'm not sure if its the weather change or a mid-life crisis (if thats the case I guess i'm dead at 60...) or what, but its getting harder and harder to come to work. Putting aside the fact that there are certain people at work who I wouldn't pee on if they were on fire, I'm just starting to think of this place as a tar pit. Sinking....SIIIINNNNNKING...
So the last show is this Saturday. People are asking me "how do you feel about it?" The truth is, i'm ready. I'm really ready to get away from it all. A few of my friends in other bands are starting to try and rally the scene to get folks to support original music. Been there...done that. I will help spread the word but I know how hard it is. Good luck, my brethren.
Oh well...i gotta get going. The tar pit is calling
So then I got to thinking, they should start a "Take A Friend To Work" Day. Screw that Take A Kid To Work crap. Think about it. You could tell your boss, "hey, its Take A Friend To Work Day. My buddy Matt invited me to go to work with him down at the Cheese Factory." And he could tell his boss that he was coming to my work with me. Then we'd all meet at the amusement park and throw Snak Pak chocolate puddings off the Ferris Wheel at people and yell "DUCK DIARRHEA!!!!" How fun would that be??
Its basically the same concept as "i'm sleeping over at billy's house..." then you and billy run around town changing the letters on business signs to read perverted things like "Big Sale: Huge Cocks Half Off." Ya gotta be careful with that one. If you get caught, apparently the punishment is 48 hours of community service raking leaves that the High School while the students point and laugh....but I wouldn't know about that one.
Or maybe Take A Badger To Work...that could be fun. Or how about Take Your Pants Off At Work...that might NOT be that fun. Just thinking outloud.
I got one of those camera phones. The only thing they're good for is catching people in the act. Oh they're so much fun. I especially love taking snapshots of folks in the cafeteria just as they're shoving meatloaf into their mouth. i'm gathering quite the collection. On my last day here i'm going to hack the company website and put pics of higher ups standing in the hallway, digging their jockeys out of their cracks. Needless to say, I'm not allowed to take my phone into the bathroom anymore.
I'm not sure if its the weather change or a mid-life crisis (if thats the case I guess i'm dead at 60...) or what, but its getting harder and harder to come to work. Putting aside the fact that there are certain people at work who I wouldn't pee on if they were on fire, I'm just starting to think of this place as a tar pit. Sinking....SIIIINNNNNKING...
So the last show is this Saturday. People are asking me "how do you feel about it?" The truth is, i'm ready. I'm really ready to get away from it all. A few of my friends in other bands are starting to try and rally the scene to get folks to support original music. Been there...done that. I will help spread the word but I know how hard it is. Good luck, my brethren.
Oh well...i gotta get going. The tar pit is calling
Wednesday, April 21
Hey Ya'll,
I had to share this with you cause i was laughing like a mofo when I read it:
NEW YORK (AP) -- Starship may have built this city on rock and roll, but Blender magazine is tearing it down, naming the band's "We Built This City" as the worst song ever.
Some tunes on the "50 Worst Songs Ever!" list were selected for their melodies, others "are wretchedly performed" and "quite a few don't make sense whatsoever," the magazine said.
The list, which appears in the May issue, includes songs by New Kids on the Block, Meat Loaf, The Doors, Lionel Richie, Hammer and The Beach Boys, among others.
Blender describes 1985's "We Built This City" as "the truly horrible sound of a band taking the corporate dollar while sneering at those who take the corporate dollar."
For the rest of the article go to: http://www.cnn.com/2004/SHOWBIZ/Music/04/21/music.worst.songs.ap/index.html
Thank god someone realized the Doors suck....hahahahahah. *ducks*
I had to share this with you cause i was laughing like a mofo when I read it:
NEW YORK (AP) -- Starship may have built this city on rock and roll, but Blender magazine is tearing it down, naming the band's "We Built This City" as the worst song ever.
Some tunes on the "50 Worst Songs Ever!" list were selected for their melodies, others "are wretchedly performed" and "quite a few don't make sense whatsoever," the magazine said.
The list, which appears in the May issue, includes songs by New Kids on the Block, Meat Loaf, The Doors, Lionel Richie, Hammer and The Beach Boys, among others.
Blender describes 1985's "We Built This City" as "the truly horrible sound of a band taking the corporate dollar while sneering at those who take the corporate dollar."
For the rest of the article go to: http://www.cnn.com/2004/SHOWBIZ/Music/04/21/music.worst.songs.ap/index.html
Thank god someone realized the Doors suck....hahahahahah. *ducks*
Okay, now we're talkin'. I have a couple guest bloggers lined up and more rolling in. Thanks to everyone who is contributing. Again, if you want to blab on the blog, just type it up in an e-mail and send it to witmerm@comcast.net. Remember to spell and grammar check, cause i ain't gonna do it. You don't want to look like an illiterate, do ya? Okay, today's guest? Web beyotch extraordinaire....SUMMER!!!!
Okay bloggers... I was asked to type up a blog about anything and/or everything, (including or excluding hairspray) so here goes.
For starters, let's talk about things that really piss me off. I'm not a big news junkie, I tend to stay away from the news for many reasons...the main reason being IT'S DEPRESSING. Worse yet is all the crap that is hyped up for no more reason than a RICH CELEBS publicity. (i.e. Martha Stewart) That rich bitch did what she was found guilty for and as for me......I feel NO PITY for the old hag. I think about the average Joe (sp?) who had his life savings tied up in the same stock and got no "inside info"......and lost everything. That's who I feel bad for. Not some rich snob who whines, cries and LIES trying to make the public feel sorry for her and let her off the hook. HANG HER I SAY!!
Anyways.....I got off my original path of thought....I started to say I'm not a news junkie and don't pay much attention to it, but something caught my eye this week that really burnt me up. While I was checking the weather I see this headline "Man Sentenced To Life In Prison For Killing Co-Worker's Wife" Lovely.....NOT. The man had been sentenced to life in prison w/o the possibility of parole....okay GOOD.
Then I read on... Apparently this guy was "hired" by his co-worker to kill his wife and offered $20,000 to do the deed. Insane.....that's what I think. I also think that we the tax-payers should NOT have to pay to let this sick individual live.....you take a life.....ADMIT to taking a life........and are found guilty........you should DIE....end of discussion. What drove me over the edge was that he was spared the DEATH PENALTY because he ADMITTED TO KILLING THAT POOR WOMAN! He said "YES I KILLED HER AND HERE IS HOW I DID IT" What the!?!?!? I just don't get it.
Why should they be allowed to sit in a nice clean prison cell, getting 3 square meals a day, an education, free cable TV , free gym.......ect, while the rest of us law abiding citizens bust our asses at work each day trying to make an honest living to support our families? It just makes me ill thinking about it.
I haven't even TOUCHED on how the victims family feels knowing that their daughter, sister, cousin is 6ft under while this guy enjoys LIFE. Not life how you and I do (going to movies, eating at a nice restaurant, playing pool and so on) but he LIVES......he breathes.....he gets to see his family (on visiting days of course)
Anyways......that's my blog. It may or may not make sense to you, you may or may not agree, but again, I was asked to write about whatever popped into my head.......and there you have it...one of the many things that piss me off.
Okay bloggers... I was asked to type up a blog about anything and/or everything, (including or excluding hairspray) so here goes.
For starters, let's talk about things that really piss me off. I'm not a big news junkie, I tend to stay away from the news for many reasons...the main reason being IT'S DEPRESSING. Worse yet is all the crap that is hyped up for no more reason than a RICH CELEBS publicity. (i.e. Martha Stewart) That rich bitch did what she was found guilty for and as for me......I feel NO PITY for the old hag. I think about the average Joe (sp?) who had his life savings tied up in the same stock and got no "inside info"......and lost everything. That's who I feel bad for. Not some rich snob who whines, cries and LIES trying to make the public feel sorry for her and let her off the hook. HANG HER I SAY!!
Anyways.....I got off my original path of thought....I started to say I'm not a news junkie and don't pay much attention to it, but something caught my eye this week that really burnt me up. While I was checking the weather I see this headline "Man Sentenced To Life In Prison For Killing Co-Worker's Wife" Lovely.....NOT. The man had been sentenced to life in prison w/o the possibility of parole....okay GOOD.
Then I read on... Apparently this guy was "hired" by his co-worker to kill his wife and offered $20,000 to do the deed. Insane.....that's what I think. I also think that we the tax-payers should NOT have to pay to let this sick individual live.....you take a life.....ADMIT to taking a life........and are found guilty........you should DIE....end of discussion. What drove me over the edge was that he was spared the DEATH PENALTY because he ADMITTED TO KILLING THAT POOR WOMAN! He said "YES I KILLED HER AND HERE IS HOW I DID IT" What the!?!?!? I just don't get it.
Why should they be allowed to sit in a nice clean prison cell, getting 3 square meals a day, an education, free cable TV , free gym.......ect, while the rest of us law abiding citizens bust our asses at work each day trying to make an honest living to support our families? It just makes me ill thinking about it.
I haven't even TOUCHED on how the victims family feels knowing that their daughter, sister, cousin is 6ft under while this guy enjoys LIFE. Not life how you and I do (going to movies, eating at a nice restaurant, playing pool and so on) but he LIVES......he breathes.....he gets to see his family (on visiting days of course)
Anyways......that's my blog. It may or may not make sense to you, you may or may not agree, but again, I was asked to write about whatever popped into my head.......and there you have it...one of the many things that piss me off.
Tuesday, April 20
WOWEEE...we got our first Guest Blog. As promised I will not censor, spell check, grammar check, or package check these guests so here it is in all its raw entirety. Today's guest is a friend and newlywed. Git the heck outta the way and say hello to Jaime...
Why is that a lot of people seem intent on just making you miserable and totally opposing your thoughts, opinions, plans..whatever? Here's an example of what I'm going through...I have this adorable little niece (Kim) that is 12 years old and looks 18 and wants to act it, but for the most part is still a good kid.( I will shorten this story as best as I can) Kim met a son of one of my friends, Bob, who happens to be a nice guy, but is 16 and well...not as innocent as Kim. Of course they hit it off, started getting friendly, flirty and BAM..next thing I know I hear words like boyfriend/girlfriend.
So here is where my mind starts wandering and wondering what to think..ya know am I jumping to conclusions? They met through me and are planning (mostly Kim was..I found out cause Bob tells me everything) to sneak around cause Kim's dad (my brother) WOULD FREAK!!!!! ..and then Bob would be dead..and thats not right cause the guy doesn't have ill intentions, but he IS a 16 year old BOY and not 'innocent'. I know I know...I shouldn't right away think the worst, but she's not supposed to be seeing anyone, and I had a baby when I was still in highschool and although I love my daughter it was a difficult situation I'd like to steer others around..
So I but my nose in, I ask the boy to back off, I explain why to his mom (no hurt feelings I hope..found out they didn't know she was 12!!!) and then call the dad cause I think he should keep an eye on Kim w/ her cell phone (she was planning all kinds of conniving things and sneaking around and totally acting inaapropriately for a 12 year old) I felt responsible cause they met through me and I worry she might make decisions shes not ready for..she confides in me and spends a lot of time with me so I felt ok butting in..
Of course she hates me now, her dad is gunshy of her spending time up here cause she can be mischievious and her mother, (parents are divorced) who doesn't like to be criticized, thinks Im a hypocrite..and then theres the people that say..shes not your daughter, but they don't know that it feels like she is, so I feel as though no matter how I try to do the right thing..I screw up big time.. but I just couldn't let it go..could you imagine the flak I'd get if I did and it came out I knew about it all??
Thanks for reading anf thanks, Wit for sharing your blog!
Why is that a lot of people seem intent on just making you miserable and totally opposing your thoughts, opinions, plans..whatever? Here's an example of what I'm going through...I have this adorable little niece (Kim) that is 12 years old and looks 18 and wants to act it, but for the most part is still a good kid.( I will shorten this story as best as I can) Kim met a son of one of my friends, Bob, who happens to be a nice guy, but is 16 and well...not as innocent as Kim. Of course they hit it off, started getting friendly, flirty and BAM..next thing I know I hear words like boyfriend/girlfriend.
So here is where my mind starts wandering and wondering what to think..ya know am I jumping to conclusions? They met through me and are planning (mostly Kim was..I found out cause Bob tells me everything) to sneak around cause Kim's dad (my brother) WOULD FREAK!!!!! ..and then Bob would be dead..and thats not right cause the guy doesn't have ill intentions, but he IS a 16 year old BOY and not 'innocent'. I know I know...I shouldn't right away think the worst, but she's not supposed to be seeing anyone, and I had a baby when I was still in highschool and although I love my daughter it was a difficult situation I'd like to steer others around..
So I but my nose in, I ask the boy to back off, I explain why to his mom (no hurt feelings I hope..found out they didn't know she was 12!!!) and then call the dad cause I think he should keep an eye on Kim w/ her cell phone (she was planning all kinds of conniving things and sneaking around and totally acting inaapropriately for a 12 year old) I felt responsible cause they met through me and I worry she might make decisions shes not ready for..she confides in me and spends a lot of time with me so I felt ok butting in..
Of course she hates me now, her dad is gunshy of her spending time up here cause she can be mischievious and her mother, (parents are divorced) who doesn't like to be criticized, thinks Im a hypocrite..and then theres the people that say..shes not your daughter, but they don't know that it feels like she is, so I feel as though no matter how I try to do the right thing..I screw up big time.. but I just couldn't let it go..could you imagine the flak I'd get if I did and it came out I knew about it all??
Thanks for reading anf thanks, Wit for sharing your blog!
Monday, April 19
I am so disappointed. NOBODY wants to blog with me? Hey, if you'd rather listen to me ramble then be my guest (chicken farts!). Anyway, the weather here in PA this weekend was phenomenal!!! So what did i do? uh...warshed the cars...cleaned up the yard...took the evil hounds of hell for a walk....basically took in the sun a little. Normally I try to keep out of the death rays of the sun but its nice in moderation.
Nothing interesting to post on yet...still cranking away on the comic strip so if you're bored go out to www.michaelwitmer.com
Congratulations on Jaime and Dave's wedding. Anyone who wants to send wedding gifts can send them to me...i'll forward them on...HAHAHA.
Nothing interesting to post on yet...still cranking away on the comic strip so if you're bored go out to www.michaelwitmer.com
Congratulations on Jaime and Dave's wedding. Anyone who wants to send wedding gifts can send them to me...i'll forward them on...HAHAHA.
Friday, April 16
Wow, no takers on the guest blog yet. Don't tell me you're all afraid to blog. It doesn't hurt, i promise!
Thursday, April 15
Hey Gringos,
What's shakin'? Sunny day out over here. I was thinking the other day with all my commenting on the state of society. I got to talking to my good friend and partner in crime Matt Witmer. He and I see eye to eye on a lot of things as far as the FCC and the government and such. I chatted with him on my way home from work last night and we both chalk today's problems up to two things:
1. People love to be offended
2. MOST people want to blame someone else for their mistakes.
Let me start off with number two first. Lets face it, you do it, I do it, we all don't want to admit when we fuck up, right? But in some folks it goes further. For instance, a kid walks into a school and guns down children with a double-barrelled AK-9000 super assault rifle. Thats a terrible thing and the first thing you hear are parents saying "its the TV's fault...its the media's fault...he watched Rambo and decided to try and be like him...yada yada..." NO...its YOUR fault. Ok, ok...yes there are nutty kids out there...kids who genuinely need help. But parents should make it a point to be involved. They should KNOW what their kids are doing at any given moment. I'm not talking about an 18 or 19 year old...but if you don't know your 10 year old is in possession of military-grade weapons then you should either have your head examined or handed to you on a plate. My point? People want to blame the media for exposing their children to foulness they'd rather shelter them from. Well it won't happen. I can promise you that anything a kid is seeing on TV or hearing on the radio is not HALF as bad as what they're exposed to at school or around their friends. Hell, they're kids...they're supposed to test things...experiment. So its YOUR job to explain these things cause you sure as hell won't hide it from them. Its your job to pull on the reins once in a while. Its your job to knock'em around a little when they act like retards. Understand?
This leads me back to #1...people love to be offended. They love to be outraged. Nothing makes a person happier than standing on his high horse and screaming "YOU CANT DO THAT!!!" or in the religious conservative sense, "THE BIBLE SAYS THATS WRONG." But let me tell you something...the bible is twistable enough to read that eathing macaroni and cheese on tuesday is a sin. An NO i'm not anti-religion...not at all. But lets get some damned reality up in here, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiight?
We, as a country, need to learn some damn common sense. We need to learn acceptance. We need more understanding. We need to say "hey, yeah i don't dig that but its not gonna turn my frosted flakes into duck piss." Lets concentrate on the things we should be concentrating on. Lets not worry about someone's words or someone's music or thoughts or images...they have no ammo other than making you think. And if you take that away, what do you have?
I'll tell you what you have. This:________________________________
Now on my last thought. If anyone would like to be a "Guest Blogger" please be my guest. I don't care if you disagree with what i say or if you want to write Haiku's about squirrels...i don't care. If you want to get in on this action here is what you do.
Write your entry. Spell check it (cause I won't). And e-mail it to witmerm@comcast.net with the subject "I just blogged on your couch" and i PROMISE i will post it. MMMKAY?
have fun
What's shakin'? Sunny day out over here. I was thinking the other day with all my commenting on the state of society. I got to talking to my good friend and partner in crime Matt Witmer. He and I see eye to eye on a lot of things as far as the FCC and the government and such. I chatted with him on my way home from work last night and we both chalk today's problems up to two things:
1. People love to be offended
2. MOST people want to blame someone else for their mistakes.
Let me start off with number two first. Lets face it, you do it, I do it, we all don't want to admit when we fuck up, right? But in some folks it goes further. For instance, a kid walks into a school and guns down children with a double-barrelled AK-9000 super assault rifle. Thats a terrible thing and the first thing you hear are parents saying "its the TV's fault...its the media's fault...he watched Rambo and decided to try and be like him...yada yada..." NO...its YOUR fault. Ok, ok...yes there are nutty kids out there...kids who genuinely need help. But parents should make it a point to be involved. They should KNOW what their kids are doing at any given moment. I'm not talking about an 18 or 19 year old...but if you don't know your 10 year old is in possession of military-grade weapons then you should either have your head examined or handed to you on a plate. My point? People want to blame the media for exposing their children to foulness they'd rather shelter them from. Well it won't happen. I can promise you that anything a kid is seeing on TV or hearing on the radio is not HALF as bad as what they're exposed to at school or around their friends. Hell, they're kids...they're supposed to test things...experiment. So its YOUR job to explain these things cause you sure as hell won't hide it from them. Its your job to pull on the reins once in a while. Its your job to knock'em around a little when they act like retards. Understand?
This leads me back to #1...people love to be offended. They love to be outraged. Nothing makes a person happier than standing on his high horse and screaming "YOU CANT DO THAT!!!" or in the religious conservative sense, "THE BIBLE SAYS THATS WRONG." But let me tell you something...the bible is twistable enough to read that eathing macaroni and cheese on tuesday is a sin. An NO i'm not anti-religion...not at all. But lets get some damned reality up in here, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiight?
We, as a country, need to learn some damn common sense. We need to learn acceptance. We need more understanding. We need to say "hey, yeah i don't dig that but its not gonna turn my frosted flakes into duck piss." Lets concentrate on the things we should be concentrating on. Lets not worry about someone's words or someone's music or thoughts or images...they have no ammo other than making you think. And if you take that away, what do you have?
I'll tell you what you have. This:________________________________
Now on my last thought. If anyone would like to be a "Guest Blogger" please be my guest. I don't care if you disagree with what i say or if you want to write Haiku's about squirrels...i don't care. If you want to get in on this action here is what you do.
Write your entry. Spell check it (cause I won't). And e-mail it to witmerm@comcast.net with the subject "I just blogged on your couch" and i PROMISE i will post it. MMMKAY?
have fun
Wednesday, April 14
Anybody watch Bush on TV last night? I did...9 1/2 Weeks was on HBO last night....tons of bush in that movie...HAHAHA. No seriously, I had it on in the background while I was working. I think one of the requirements of being the President of the United States should be that you should be able to put two coherent sentences together in a row. MY GOD that guy can't speak. He sure is rallying to get everyone behind the Iraq Fiasco. I don't blame him...nobody likes to look like a jack-a-ninny. All we can really do is wish the troops over there well and hope this ends soon...oh yeah, and DON"T VOTE FOR HIM next time out. I have to tell you something. I'm like 68 years old and I've never voted. I never felt that strongly about a candidate to take the time out. But you can bet your square booty that I'm voting this time around. EVEN if I get stuck on jury duty for 4 month, its worth it.
Hopefully you clicked on the link in yesterdays post and signed the petition. If not, hey that's cool. I just figured it was something for folks that wanted their voice heard.
Speaking of FCC, the fines finally fell on Howard Sterns home company Viacom. I'm not positive but I believe they were in the area of $2.4 million. Okay, that's a lot of money...but this is a witch hunt. Make no bones about it. These fines were for violations that happened over three years ago. Sooooooo why are they fining him now? hmmmm...
I mean, I think that yes, there is a lot of filth on TV and radio. And yes, I think there is an appropriate place and time for it (Latenight, pay TV, shows that provide a warning before broadcasts). My point in this is one I made before: You know what you're going to get when you turn on Howard Stern so you can just change the channel. My boss made a good point one day. He said "what about the young kids who can tune into the show during the day when parents are at work." Very valid point. So maybe Howard should be on at night or evenings or something. But should he be forced off the air? NO.
I'm using Howard because he seems to be the scapegoat right now. I'm not a HUGE fan of him. Sometimes he's funny....sometimes he's a moron. But he deserves his right to be heard.
I need a vacation...somewhere sunny with no dogs. Word to your mom!
Hopefully you clicked on the link in yesterdays post and signed the petition. If not, hey that's cool. I just figured it was something for folks that wanted their voice heard.
Speaking of FCC, the fines finally fell on Howard Sterns home company Viacom. I'm not positive but I believe they were in the area of $2.4 million. Okay, that's a lot of money...but this is a witch hunt. Make no bones about it. These fines were for violations that happened over three years ago. Sooooooo why are they fining him now? hmmmm...
I mean, I think that yes, there is a lot of filth on TV and radio. And yes, I think there is an appropriate place and time for it (Latenight, pay TV, shows that provide a warning before broadcasts). My point in this is one I made before: You know what you're going to get when you turn on Howard Stern so you can just change the channel. My boss made a good point one day. He said "what about the young kids who can tune into the show during the day when parents are at work." Very valid point. So maybe Howard should be on at night or evenings or something. But should he be forced off the air? NO.
I'm using Howard because he seems to be the scapegoat right now. I'm not a HUGE fan of him. Sometimes he's funny....sometimes he's a moron. But he deserves his right to be heard.
I need a vacation...somewhere sunny with no dogs. Word to your mom!
Tuesday, April 13
Real quick. Visit this site www.stopfcc.com and sign the petition if you think the FCC is getting out of hand.
Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on in the middle east? Can someone PLEASE explain what we're doing? Look, I support whoever the president is because that's just how it should be. I may not AGREE with Bush. I may wish him out of office, yes. BUT, I didn't spend ten years in the Air Force because I DONT believe in this country and what its all about. Nothing pisses me off more than a fat, rich, bastard bitching about the country he lives in. You wouldn't be so fat or so rich if you were born in Cambodia or the Ukraine or New Jersey...well...okay you might be just as fat in Cambodia...hahah. But seriously, I think that we need to try and get behind our governemnt or use our tools (voting, not sniper rifles mind you) to make a change.
All of the other issues aside, I would like someone to explain why we're sending our kids to the middle east to serve as target practice. I'm SERIOUS!!! I want someone to shed some light on this. This is your change to open up and just spit it out. You don't have to leave your name, but please, someone tell me what the reasoning is. I'm thinkin' we didn't learn our lesson in Vietnam. I can't speak for the boys in DC and I wouldn't want their job...not in a million years. All I'm asking for is a reason...OBVIOUSLY they dont WANT americans in their country. Obviously a majority of that country doesn't want a Democratic government. So tell me...what the shit is going on?
on a lighter side...go to www.michaelwitmer.com and check out the Union Avenue site.
People have been asking about the demise of the band or the disappearance of the acoustic website. Well frankly, I'm pretty much sick of running uphill. The music scene in Eastern PA is hands-down, the worst scene I"ve ever had the pleasure of wrestling with. So for all you folks that are into DLF or acoustic stuff, i'm not really sure what to tell you. But let me say this: Bands need their fans to come out to the shows. And the bottom line is that we (the band) promoted the heck outta the band...and I really thought we were pretty sharp as far as original musicians go. But we just couldn't burst through that ceiling. So on the tail end of that, if you have a local band you really love, one you think has a chance to do something...go see them! Stop in on their shows, pass their CDs to friends, let everyone know about them. Because that continuous thumping of heads against ceilings becomes a huge weight on musicians. And when you're out there busting your ass and trying to put out good original music, all you really want is someone to hear it. That being said, I'm not blaming YOU for the demise of my band. I am blaming you, however, for how sad this local scene is.
I say this: you can't blame the club owners for not having original bands, they're running a business and they have mouths to feed. They are going to book any band, cover or original, that draws a crowd. So stop with your bimbo giggly girl crap and go check out real original bands. As good as they are at what they do, PopTart Monkees don't need your money. Negative Space doesn't need your money. Those guys are getting a guaranteed paycheck when they play The Village or Croc Rock or whatever. Put your money on the bands that just might change things up a little, not the ones who are playing the Billboard Top 100.
I guess I didn't really answer the question, did I? Bottom line with Drives Like Fire? The fault lies solely on my shoulders. I got burnt out with it. I decided that i wasn't putting my whole heart into it and I couldnt' do that to Mike and Bob. I didn't want to do that to our music or the folks that were really into us either. There is some contention to our style-change but that is irrelevant shit. I write what I write...i dont' sit down and say "we can't play that...its not heavy enough...or its too ugly..." But regardless of style changes we were putting out good original music. I've just had this sour taste in my mouth about the scene in general for a while now and decided it was time for some mouth wash. Does that make any sense? Anyway, our last show will be on April 24th at the Blue Star. I hope to see some old faces out there...if not, you proved my point! hahah
Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on in the middle east? Can someone PLEASE explain what we're doing? Look, I support whoever the president is because that's just how it should be. I may not AGREE with Bush. I may wish him out of office, yes. BUT, I didn't spend ten years in the Air Force because I DONT believe in this country and what its all about. Nothing pisses me off more than a fat, rich, bastard bitching about the country he lives in. You wouldn't be so fat or so rich if you were born in Cambodia or the Ukraine or New Jersey...well...okay you might be just as fat in Cambodia...hahah. But seriously, I think that we need to try and get behind our governemnt or use our tools (voting, not sniper rifles mind you) to make a change.
All of the other issues aside, I would like someone to explain why we're sending our kids to the middle east to serve as target practice. I'm SERIOUS!!! I want someone to shed some light on this. This is your change to open up and just spit it out. You don't have to leave your name, but please, someone tell me what the reasoning is. I'm thinkin' we didn't learn our lesson in Vietnam. I can't speak for the boys in DC and I wouldn't want their job...not in a million years. All I'm asking for is a reason...OBVIOUSLY they dont WANT americans in their country. Obviously a majority of that country doesn't want a Democratic government. So tell me...what the shit is going on?
on a lighter side...go to www.michaelwitmer.com and check out the Union Avenue site.
People have been asking about the demise of the band or the disappearance of the acoustic website. Well frankly, I'm pretty much sick of running uphill. The music scene in Eastern PA is hands-down, the worst scene I"ve ever had the pleasure of wrestling with. So for all you folks that are into DLF or acoustic stuff, i'm not really sure what to tell you. But let me say this: Bands need their fans to come out to the shows. And the bottom line is that we (the band) promoted the heck outta the band...and I really thought we were pretty sharp as far as original musicians go. But we just couldn't burst through that ceiling. So on the tail end of that, if you have a local band you really love, one you think has a chance to do something...go see them! Stop in on their shows, pass their CDs to friends, let everyone know about them. Because that continuous thumping of heads against ceilings becomes a huge weight on musicians. And when you're out there busting your ass and trying to put out good original music, all you really want is someone to hear it. That being said, I'm not blaming YOU for the demise of my band. I am blaming you, however, for how sad this local scene is.
I say this: you can't blame the club owners for not having original bands, they're running a business and they have mouths to feed. They are going to book any band, cover or original, that draws a crowd. So stop with your bimbo giggly girl crap and go check out real original bands. As good as they are at what they do, PopTart Monkees don't need your money. Negative Space doesn't need your money. Those guys are getting a guaranteed paycheck when they play The Village or Croc Rock or whatever. Put your money on the bands that just might change things up a little, not the ones who are playing the Billboard Top 100.
I guess I didn't really answer the question, did I? Bottom line with Drives Like Fire? The fault lies solely on my shoulders. I got burnt out with it. I decided that i wasn't putting my whole heart into it and I couldnt' do that to Mike and Bob. I didn't want to do that to our music or the folks that were really into us either. There is some contention to our style-change but that is irrelevant shit. I write what I write...i dont' sit down and say "we can't play that...its not heavy enough...or its too ugly..." But regardless of style changes we were putting out good original music. I've just had this sour taste in my mouth about the scene in general for a while now and decided it was time for some mouth wash. Does that make any sense? Anyway, our last show will be on April 24th at the Blue Star. I hope to see some old faces out there...if not, you proved my point! hahah
Friday, April 9
What's shakin'??
Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse! Yesterday I got an e-mail from my mom. They put my little brother "Chappy" to sleep...yes, my little brother had four legs...yes he smelled like a rendering plant...yes, he was a Yorkshire Terrier. He was about 27 years old it seemed and i'm pretty sure he thought he was a human being. So all in all it has been an eventful month as far as loved-ones taking dirt naps goes. So needless to say, we're all in the recovery process.
Its Good Friday and for some miraculous reason I"m off work today. So here I sit infront of my trust computer with an empty Cool Whip container filled with Kraft Macaroni And Cheese (fine american cuisine, remember?).
Most of you know and some of you may not, but we decided to hang up the band. It was a ton of fun and we're all good friends but as time does to people, we all moved in different directions with what we are interested in. So we decided to pull the rip cord before we drove it straight into the ground. I know that Mike Z is going to continue rawkin' in high fashion. I don't have any news on what bands he's working with but I know he currently has two in the works. I'll let you know as soon as he lets me know. Bob and I are going to continue to record original tunes and sell them to the highest bidder. So far the best offer we've gotten was a swift kick in the ass and a warm plate of "piss off."
I've moved the comic strip over to www.michaelwitmer.com. With the band done, I can devote a little more energy into it. Stop over to the website (there is a link for it right over ---->)
Thanks to everyone who has been following it. Tell your friends and enemies.
I just got word that the FCC finally fined Howard Stern. I dont' have any details on it but I will put something up when I find out. As you know I"m a huge anti-censorship advocate and for that reason I won't be voting republican this year (not that i'm a republican). Anway, I think there are some shady doins in washington as of late. Follow the 9/11 hearings if you dont' believe me. Alright...too nice out to be typin. I"m gonna hit the trail for now.
Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse! Yesterday I got an e-mail from my mom. They put my little brother "Chappy" to sleep...yes, my little brother had four legs...yes he smelled like a rendering plant...yes, he was a Yorkshire Terrier. He was about 27 years old it seemed and i'm pretty sure he thought he was a human being. So all in all it has been an eventful month as far as loved-ones taking dirt naps goes. So needless to say, we're all in the recovery process.
Its Good Friday and for some miraculous reason I"m off work today. So here I sit infront of my trust computer with an empty Cool Whip container filled with Kraft Macaroni And Cheese (fine american cuisine, remember?).
Most of you know and some of you may not, but we decided to hang up the band. It was a ton of fun and we're all good friends but as time does to people, we all moved in different directions with what we are interested in. So we decided to pull the rip cord before we drove it straight into the ground. I know that Mike Z is going to continue rawkin' in high fashion. I don't have any news on what bands he's working with but I know he currently has two in the works. I'll let you know as soon as he lets me know. Bob and I are going to continue to record original tunes and sell them to the highest bidder. So far the best offer we've gotten was a swift kick in the ass and a warm plate of "piss off."
I've moved the comic strip over to www.michaelwitmer.com. With the band done, I can devote a little more energy into it. Stop over to the website (there is a link for it right over ---->)
Thanks to everyone who has been following it. Tell your friends and enemies.
I just got word that the FCC finally fined Howard Stern. I dont' have any details on it but I will put something up when I find out. As you know I"m a huge anti-censorship advocate and for that reason I won't be voting republican this year (not that i'm a republican). Anway, I think there are some shady doins in washington as of late. Follow the 9/11 hearings if you dont' believe me. Alright...too nice out to be typin. I"m gonna hit the trail for now.
Wednesday, April 7
click on the cartoon for a larger image.
Did you hear in the news that J'Lo's Mom won a $2 million jackpot in Vegas. Why is it that the WORST people always win the big ones. I can't stand seeing some toothless hillbilly from West Virginny talkin' about how this money won't change him much. Dude, you don't have teeth...if you don't change that then you should have your head checked.

Did you hear in the news that J'Lo's Mom won a $2 million jackpot in Vegas. Why is it that the WORST people always win the big ones. I can't stand seeing some toothless hillbilly from West Virginny talkin' about how this money won't change him much. Dude, you don't have teeth...if you don't change that then you should have your head checked.
Tuesday, April 6
Monday, April 5
Friday, April 2
Okay so I had an idea. The bubba stories got some great feedback from you guys so I started thinking. I could throw together a little cartoon. As more develop I'll post them up here. If you have any love/hate comments please feel free to post. I'm not concerned with artwork comments cause I know i can't draw...hahaha. Anyway, I hope you have fun with them.
click on the cartoon for a larger image.
click on the cartoon for a larger image.