Okay, let me get serious for a second here cause I would really love to discuss something with you. And, this is a discussion, not a debate so please feel free to voice your opinion (if you can do it without being an ass...you'll know what i'm talking about in a second).
This is not a Anti-Bush e-mail...i don't need to bash him anymore. And honestly, with everything going on right now, I have respect for the man just for the position he's in (whether he's doing a good job or not).
Yesterday, President Bush veto'd a bill for expanded funding into stem-cell research. Now, I have to claim some ignorance so pipe in on this. Everything I've read about stem-cell research sounds like a great idea. What is a stem cell? Basically its a cell that is basically like a blank sheet of paper. It has the potential to become ANY type of cell in the body. They can be used to regenerate "broken" or corrupt cells to help cure terrible things like cancer and parkinsons.
Here's the part that has folks up in arms...they are taken from a live fetus. So, of course, there is a bit of a moral dilemma. The big fear is that the government or agencies behind stem-cell research would start "farming" fetuses. And its a very good point.
So that has my brain thinking because, to be honest, i'm all for research that leads to a better quality of life for everyone. Anyone who is sitting on the other side of the monitor either has dealt with illness or is very close to someone who has fought a deadly illness of some sort. If this sort of research could lead to a cure of cancer, leukemia, heart disease, etc...isn't it up to us to proceed? Again, i'm asking, i'm not arguing...i'd love an opinion on this.
So as my brain tumbles down this path I decided to do a little further research. In 1995, there were a 1,210,883 reported LEGAL abortions. In 2004 there were TWICE that many. Whether you're Pro-Life or Pro-Choice, this is happening in our country. So why not take advantage of this? Why not use these fetuses instead of letting them be a total loss? Is there a reason that they don't...maybe they are...i don't know.
I would really like to understand this a little more. I'd love to get your feelings on the issue. Can we do this without arguing? Please post.
Friday, July 21
cause you can't make me....
About Me
- Name: Michael Witmer
- Location: Ephrata, PA, United States
Artist/Illustrator. Creator of Pinkerton, a little strip about people disguised as animals acting like people (what?). Visit it: www.pinkertonpark.com
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wow. I mean. WOW. Okay, um. Well, I think that alot of folks out there are pairing stem-cell research with cloning (which I think is a bad idea). I agree though. Stem-cell research has some great potential. But it should be approached with caution
Mr. Witmer (aka Crackerman), Stem-cell research WOULD HAVE been an incredible thing. In addition to what you discovered about abortions, know also that they (scientists) were not planning on using a fresh fetus, but using EMBRYOS that were sitting waiting to be used at a fertility clinics. After a time, they are to be destroyed because they are not viable. So what is the dilema? The embryos are going to be destroyed anyway, so why not use them? Anyone? Anyone know?
Thanks Christian...that is good info. So, again...what's the hold up? I read that alot of states are going around the federal funding block and supplying their own funding. Arnold just released a whole buncha money for it.
Well... I always stayed out of things for the simple reason i figured i had little place opening my mouth if i didnt know enough about it.. BUT...
I saw a new report a few years back about Nancy Reagan. Remember her? She was a big fighter for stem cell research. Most likely due to what she saw her beloved husband go thru with Alzheimers. All I can think of is being in a position like she was.. watching someone she loved more than life itself just slipping away..and knowing theres potential for treatment or a cure. Also knowing theres someone that can just open the flood gates or drop the axe. I say Id feel pretty desperate. Just thinking about it makes me feel desperate. My mom passed away a few years back..(for the record from non stem cell research related illnesses--at least i think non related) and I still have my dad. For the most part hes in decent health. Now not trying to get to personal.. I live in fear of the day my dad will be gone. I also look at my kids.. my family.. my husband.. and hate to think what life holds. So i say.. stem cell research should be allowed. Its true we dont get out of life alive.. but being a two time cancer survivor I truly believe in fighting with all we have. So if Bush is so worried about 'playing God' and not wanting to pass it, he needs to realize that for all the people that stem cell research could help, save, just effect.. hes playing God anyway. If anyone has anyone they love.. then its personal.
Well all I can say is from where I stand. I work for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. I know what progress they are making and how much more progress they would make with access to stem cells. I think Christopher Reeve put it best. He said he had the money and the resources to be able to get stem cell therapy outside the US where it is legal. He could WALK onto a plane and come home and be arrested before he ever got off the plane. Anything that could have made Christopher Reeve walk, could cure Michael J. Fox, could cure all the kids I look at every day so i wouldn't have to look at them everyday is fine by me. I don't see a down side.
And to add to that whole "playing god" thing. If you're so strong against the idea...and if you think God is against it, then why would he give us the ability?
I don't think anyone is asking to live forever (at least I hope not). I don't think they're asking for an overall longer life span. But wouldn't it be nice if we could all go out in a peaceful manner rather than being reduced to some indignified husk of a helpless, pain-ridden human being laying in a hospital bed? I guess that's my whole take.
AND.. (sorry im still going on this) elaborating on the Playing God thing again..havent we been improving our life expectancies and quality of life through the centuries. I mean our life span was so considerably shorter 100 years ago. Cant this all be part of human beings ability to constantly strive for better and continue to improve ourselves?
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