Wednesday, April 14

Anybody watch Bush on TV last night? I did...9 1/2 Weeks was on HBO last night....tons of bush in that movie...HAHAHA. No seriously, I had it on in the background while I was working. I think one of the requirements of being the President of the United States should be that you should be able to put two coherent sentences together in a row. MY GOD that guy can't speak. He sure is rallying to get everyone behind the Iraq Fiasco. I don't blame him...nobody likes to look like a jack-a-ninny. All we can really do is wish the troops over there well and hope this ends soon...oh yeah, and DON"T VOTE FOR HIM next time out. I have to tell you something. I'm like 68 years old and I've never voted. I never felt that strongly about a candidate to take the time out. But you can bet your square booty that I'm voting this time around. EVEN if I get stuck on jury duty for 4 month, its worth it.

Hopefully you clicked on the link in yesterdays post and signed the petition. If not, hey that's cool. I just figured it was something for folks that wanted their voice heard.

Speaking of FCC, the fines finally fell on Howard Sterns home company Viacom. I'm not positive but I believe they were in the area of $2.4 million. Okay, that's a lot of money...but this is a witch hunt. Make no bones about it. These fines were for violations that happened over three years ago. Sooooooo why are they fining him now? hmmmm...

I mean, I think that yes, there is a lot of filth on TV and radio. And yes, I think there is an appropriate place and time for it (Latenight, pay TV, shows that provide a warning before broadcasts). My point in this is one I made before: You know what you're going to get when you turn on Howard Stern so you can just change the channel. My boss made a good point one day. He said "what about the young kids who can tune into the show during the day when parents are at work." Very valid point. So maybe Howard should be on at night or evenings or something. But should he be forced off the air? NO.

I'm using Howard because he seems to be the scapegoat right now. I'm not a HUGE fan of him. Sometimes he's funny....sometimes he's a moron. But he deserves his right to be heard.

I need a vacation...somewhere sunny with no dogs. Word to your mom!


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