Real quick. Visit this site and sign the petition if you think the FCC is getting out of hand.
Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on in the middle east? Can someone PLEASE explain what we're doing? Look, I support whoever the president is because that's just how it should be. I may not AGREE with Bush. I may wish him out of office, yes. BUT, I didn't spend ten years in the Air Force because I DONT believe in this country and what its all about. Nothing pisses me off more than a fat, rich, bastard bitching about the country he lives in. You wouldn't be so fat or so rich if you were born in Cambodia or the Ukraine or New Jersey...well...okay you might be just as fat in Cambodia...hahah. But seriously, I think that we need to try and get behind our governemnt or use our tools (voting, not sniper rifles mind you) to make a change.
All of the other issues aside, I would like someone to explain why we're sending our kids to the middle east to serve as target practice. I'm SERIOUS!!! I want someone to shed some light on this. This is your change to open up and just spit it out. You don't have to leave your name, but please, someone tell me what the reasoning is. I'm thinkin' we didn't learn our lesson in Vietnam. I can't speak for the boys in DC and I wouldn't want their job...not in a million years. All I'm asking for is a reason...OBVIOUSLY they dont WANT americans in their country. Obviously a majority of that country doesn't want a Democratic government. So tell me...what the shit is going on?
on a lighter side...go to and check out the Union Avenue site.
People have been asking about the demise of the band or the disappearance of the acoustic website. Well frankly, I'm pretty much sick of running uphill. The music scene in Eastern PA is hands-down, the worst scene I"ve ever had the pleasure of wrestling with. So for all you folks that are into DLF or acoustic stuff, i'm not really sure what to tell you. But let me say this: Bands need their fans to come out to the shows. And the bottom line is that we (the band) promoted the heck outta the band...and I really thought we were pretty sharp as far as original musicians go. But we just couldn't burst through that ceiling. So on the tail end of that, if you have a local band you really love, one you think has a chance to do something...go see them! Stop in on their shows, pass their CDs to friends, let everyone know about them. Because that continuous thumping of heads against ceilings becomes a huge weight on musicians. And when you're out there busting your ass and trying to put out good original music, all you really want is someone to hear it. That being said, I'm not blaming YOU for the demise of my band. I am blaming you, however, for how sad this local scene is.
I say this: you can't blame the club owners for not having original bands, they're running a business and they have mouths to feed. They are going to book any band, cover or original, that draws a crowd. So stop with your bimbo giggly girl crap and go check out real original bands. As good as they are at what they do, PopTart Monkees don't need your money. Negative Space doesn't need your money. Those guys are getting a guaranteed paycheck when they play The Village or Croc Rock or whatever. Put your money on the bands that just might change things up a little, not the ones who are playing the Billboard Top 100.
I guess I didn't really answer the question, did I? Bottom line with Drives Like Fire? The fault lies solely on my shoulders. I got burnt out with it. I decided that i wasn't putting my whole heart into it and I couldnt' do that to Mike and Bob. I didn't want to do that to our music or the folks that were really into us either. There is some contention to our style-change but that is irrelevant shit. I write what I write...i dont' sit down and say "we can't play that...its not heavy enough...or its too ugly..." But regardless of style changes we were putting out good original music. I've just had this sour taste in my mouth about the scene in general for a while now and decided it was time for some mouth wash. Does that make any sense? Anyway, our last show will be on April 24th at the Blue Star. I hope to see some old faces out there...if not, you proved my point! hahah
Tuesday, April 13
cause you can't make me....
About Me
- Name: Michael Witmer
- Location: Ephrata, PA, United States
Artist/Illustrator. Creator of Pinkerton, a little strip about people disguised as animals acting like people (what?). Visit it:
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