I was checking out CNN.COM like I usually do, taking in the world events. Big in the news right now are the Madrid Bombings, the Democratic Campaign of Senator John Kerry (who you all should be voting for if you ever want to be able to truly have a say in your own personal life), and of course the hullabaloo over the same sex marraiges. Its all crazy stuff right now. The real life news is overshadowing the drama in the movies and on TV. But ONE item is standing out in the forefront of all the muck. One item is more shocking than any lesbian love partners marching on the capital. One person is driving us back to rethinking the way we judge the media and entertainment. Is it Howard Stern? Mel Gibson? Spaulding Gray???? NOPE! Brace yourselves folks...the image may scare you.

Meet William Hung. For those of you who missed the auditions for American Idol on Fox, you missed something quite amazing. Now before we go much further, I'd like you to take a moment and watch this performance...click on the link ---->Let it all Hung out
Now just let that sink in for a second. I really love to watch this guy and he is having a hell of a time isn't he? Guess what? He just got a record deal. No bullshitting. Not only that but go to Yahoo or Google and do a search for "William Hung." You'll be AMAZED at the fan sites this guy has. This is another testiment to the GRRREAATNESS of the American Idol. The show is a train wreck. Its one of those things that just sounds like another boring Star Search. But once that show comes on I can't take my eyes off it. I feel so guilty. But it is proving something to me. If William Hung is getting this type of attention then obviously something is wrong with what is being toted as "popular music."
The really good musicians out there today, the really INTERESTING ones are getting sidelined for whatever reason and its NO WONDER that album sales are down and people are pirating music off the internet. They dont' want to pay for a whole album of crap for one or two decent songs. So I say this, "Milk it, Brother Hung...take it as FAR as you can go because your success will just confirm what I and a bunch of other people are complaining about." We dont need another boy band or another hooker in short clothing. We need artists who are going to put out good album. Music with content. Did you know that U2 had to loan the money to their record company to put out their award winning "All That You Can't Leave Behind?" Did you know that Dave Matthews basically funded his own record releases and TOURS not only at an early stage but even later on in his career. Why? Because these bands are not quick sells but they are musicians. That's why you can't hear Rhett Miller or Ryan Adams or Far or Radiohead or Damien Rice or Thursday on the radio. The labels aren't into development...they're into get rich quick.
Hope everyone has a super weekend. Let it all hang out...not literally i hope.
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