Okay, listen. I really REALLY try to keep politics out of this blog. But goddamnit, what the hell is going on in the world right now. I just want to ask you a simple question and let you think on it for a minute. I will, of course, follow my question with more of my normal diahrettic banter, but you can just click that little X up in the top right corner if you don't want to listen. That's the joy of freedom, you can close your eyes, you can shove shit in your ears...or you can argue back without the fear of getting your hippy ass thrown in jail. Now for my question...How would you feel if i walked up to you today, poked my nosy finger into your chest and said "YOU, you are a Christian...its the law"? And before you bible-thumping nut jobs out there start jumping all over me, relax. I am not an atheist. Nor am I the anti-christ. I'm me; deal with it. I think that most practiced religions are a good thing. They're based in love, they bring communities together, and the free spaghetti dinners ain't bad either. Am I right?
Let me rephrase it in a more inoffensive manner. What if I walked up and said "From here on out, every Thursday is greenbean night, and dammit you're gonna eat them or go to jail." You would say "that's the most insane damn thing I've ever heard. I don't' even LIKE green beans and you expect me to eat them?" Well, ladies and gentlemen, wake up cause that's what is happening. George wants to pass a law to tell you who you CANT marry. A law on who to love...aint that some shit? Right about now you're calling me a tree-hugging queer lover or some other amazingly retarded name. But the way I feel is this, if two people love each other, that's a pretty good thing. WHO cares if they have the same plugs. Who cares if their parts look the same. HOW IS THIS AFFECTING THE PUBLIC?????? Could someone explain his to me? Granted, I'm not into walking into a love fest or watching gay porn. But, my god there are a lot worse things we could be focusing our attentions on. Like what? How about gun laws? There's one to dig your conservative wooden teeth into, Georgie Boy. Or better yet, how about a better solution for the troops in Iraq that are basically target practice for the guerrillas?? Nevermind...
So Bush is up for re-election and of all things he wants to start in on you about your sexual preference and your Christian values. Bible, Constitution, Bible, Constitution, Bible, Constitution...how are these two books related? THEY ARENT! The great thing about America is that if I want to go to the 5th Day Satanic Church and Taco Bar on Sunday and then walk down the street with a shirt that says "I'm a whore" I can because why? Freedom of Speech. Freedom of Religion. Right?
*sigh* no i'm not a satanist or a taco lover. I'm just trying to make a point. And yes, I do believe that people take freedom of speech a little too far sometimes. Example: Janet Jackson's newly famous tit. Okay, let me start by saying that thanks to the boob, tasteful episodes of television shows were yanked, MTV stopped airing certain videos during the day, people lost their jobs!!! The person who should've gotten in trouble is Janet...we shouldn't be paying the price for her lack of better judgment. So pretty soon they'll be passing laws on the words you say and the clothes you wear and the people you hump. And of course I"m over exaggerating but cripes folks, we have to get involved. We have to vote. We have to, in the words of mary jane aficionado Bob Marley, stand up for our rights.
Tuesday, February 24
cause you can't make me....
About Me
- Name: Michael Witmer
- Location: Ephrata, PA, United States
Artist/Illustrator. Creator of Pinkerton, a little strip about people disguised as animals acting like people (what?). Visit it: www.pinkertonpark.com
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