Tuesday, March 2

Okay, I just got done bitching about FCC and I was going to take the post down and then decided against it. Why censor myself? hahah. Anyway, a lot of you know me personally. Those of you that don't probably at least know that I am a musician (if only at heart...bastard record companies!!!). I love making music, it can be one of the most uplifting things you could ever experience. There are times when you're playing with a group of people and everything just clicks for a second and its like a drug. Of course, we won't mention the times where you feel like pulling an El KaBong and whacking your xylophone player over the head because he can't hit the bridge with everyone else. But I guess that's what makes it so much fun. The sheer unpredictability, the power and almost reachable enlightenment.

But let me tell you what sucks huge seacow ass and I think that a lot of my musician friends will agree. Dealing with club owners. Club owners are a strange breed. They are in a species all by themselves folks. Somewhere in the same subspecies as a Used Car Salesman or a Purse Snatcher (I should probably be careful on this ground I be treadin'...cause there are always exceptions). They will hold a golden carrot in front of your face and then snatch it away for no other reason than the fact that he can.

And the worst part is that they are a necessary evil. I mean bands can't exist without the clubs, right? Not unless they want to be playing at back yard Bar-B-Q's and kid's birthday parties. We, as musicians, need a safe haven. We need a support group. We need a righter of wrongs. Someone to throttle the booking guys for better shows. Someone to kick ass when we get shorted on pay. Someone to help set up the drumset and make sure the drummer doesn't drink 12 beers before going on...hahaha.

Don't join a band kids...its way more work than it looks. Do something easy with your life. Become a doctor or a giraffe or something


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