Friday, April 9

What's shakin'??
Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse! Yesterday I got an e-mail from my mom. They put my little brother "Chappy" to sleep...yes, my little brother had four legs...yes he smelled like a rendering plant...yes, he was a Yorkshire Terrier. He was about 27 years old it seemed and i'm pretty sure he thought he was a human being. So all in all it has been an eventful month as far as loved-ones taking dirt naps goes. So needless to say, we're all in the recovery process.

Its Good Friday and for some miraculous reason I"m off work today. So here I sit infront of my trust computer with an empty Cool Whip container filled with Kraft Macaroni And Cheese (fine american cuisine, remember?).

Most of you know and some of you may not, but we decided to hang up the band. It was a ton of fun and we're all good friends but as time does to people, we all moved in different directions with what we are interested in. So we decided to pull the rip cord before we drove it straight into the ground. I know that Mike Z is going to continue rawkin' in high fashion. I don't have any news on what bands he's working with but I know he currently has two in the works. I'll let you know as soon as he lets me know. Bob and I are going to continue to record original tunes and sell them to the highest bidder. So far the best offer we've gotten was a swift kick in the ass and a warm plate of "piss off."

I've moved the comic strip over to With the band done, I can devote a little more energy into it. Stop over to the website (there is a link for it right over ---->)

Thanks to everyone who has been following it. Tell your friends and enemies.

I just got word that the FCC finally fined Howard Stern. I dont' have any details on it but I will put something up when I find out. As you know I"m a huge anti-censorship advocate and for that reason I won't be voting republican this year (not that i'm a republican). Anway, I think there are some shady doins in washington as of late. Follow the 9/11 hearings if you dont' believe me. Alright...too nice out to be typin. I"m gonna hit the trail for now.


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