Tuesday, April 20

WOWEEE...we got our first Guest Blog. As promised I will not censor, spell check, grammar check, or package check these guests so here it is in all its raw entirety. Today's guest is a friend and newlywed. Git the heck outta the way and say hello to Jaime...

Why is that a lot of people seem intent on just making you miserable and totally opposing your thoughts, opinions, plans..whatever? Here's an example of what I'm going through...I have this adorable little niece (Kim) that is 12 years old and looks 18 and wants to act it, but for the most part is still a good kid.( I will shorten this story as best as I can) Kim met a son of one of my friends, Bob, who happens to be a nice guy, but is 16 and well...not as innocent as Kim. Of course they hit it off, started getting friendly, flirty and BAM..next thing I know I hear words like boyfriend/girlfriend.

So here is where my mind starts wandering and wondering what to think..ya know am I jumping to conclusions? They met through me and are planning (mostly Kim was..I found out cause Bob tells me everything) to sneak around cause Kim's dad (my brother) WOULD FREAK!!!!! ..and then Bob would be dead..and thats not right cause the guy doesn't have ill intentions, but he IS a 16 year old BOY and not 'innocent'. I know I know...I shouldn't right away think the worst, but she's not supposed to be seeing anyone, and I had a baby when I was still in highschool and although I love my daughter it was a difficult situation I'd like to steer others around..

So I but my nose in, I ask the boy to back off, I explain why to his mom (no hurt feelings I hope..found out they didn't know she was 12!!!) and then call the dad cause I think he should keep an eye on Kim w/ her cell phone (she was planning all kinds of conniving things and sneaking around and totally acting inaapropriately for a 12 year old) I felt responsible cause they met through me and I worry she might make decisions shes not ready for..she confides in me and spends a lot of time with me so I felt ok butting in..

Of course she hates me now, her dad is gunshy of her spending time up here cause she can be mischievious and her mother, (parents are divorced) who doesn't like to be criticized, thinks Im a hypocrite..and then theres the people that say..shes not your daughter, but they don't know that it feels like she is, so I feel as though no matter how I try to do the right thing..I screw up big time.. but I just couldn't let it go..could you imagine the flak I'd get if I did and it came out I knew about it all??

Thanks for reading anf thanks, Wit for sharing your blog!


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