Thursday, April 15

Hey Gringos,
What's shakin'? Sunny day out over here. I was thinking the other day with all my commenting on the state of society. I got to talking to my good friend and partner in crime Matt Witmer. He and I see eye to eye on a lot of things as far as the FCC and the government and such. I chatted with him on my way home from work last night and we both chalk today's problems up to two things:

1. People love to be offended

2. MOST people want to blame someone else for their mistakes.

Let me start off with number two first. Lets face it, you do it, I do it, we all don't want to admit when we fuck up, right? But in some folks it goes further. For instance, a kid walks into a school and guns down children with a double-barrelled AK-9000 super assault rifle. Thats a terrible thing and the first thing you hear are parents saying "its the TV's fault...its the media's fault...he watched Rambo and decided to try and be like him...yada yada..." NO...its YOUR fault. Ok, ok...yes there are nutty kids out who genuinely need help. But parents should make it a point to be involved. They should KNOW what their kids are doing at any given moment. I'm not talking about an 18 or 19 year old...but if you don't know your 10 year old is in possession of military-grade weapons then you should either have your head examined or handed to you on a plate. My point? People want to blame the media for exposing their children to foulness they'd rather shelter them from. Well it won't happen. I can promise you that anything a kid is seeing on TV or hearing on the radio is not HALF as bad as what they're exposed to at school or around their friends. Hell, they're kids...they're supposed to test things...experiment. So its YOUR job to explain these things cause you sure as hell won't hide it from them. Its your job to pull on the reins once in a while. Its your job to knock'em around a little when they act like retards. Understand?

This leads me back to #1...people love to be offended. They love to be outraged. Nothing makes a person happier than standing on his high horse and screaming "YOU CANT DO THAT!!!" or in the religious conservative sense, "THE BIBLE SAYS THATS WRONG." But let me tell you something...the bible is twistable enough to read that eathing macaroni and cheese on tuesday is a sin. An NO i'm not anti-religion...not at all. But lets get some damned reality up in here, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiight?

We, as a country, need to learn some damn common sense. We need to learn acceptance. We need more understanding. We need to say "hey, yeah i don't dig that but its not gonna turn my frosted flakes into duck piss." Lets concentrate on the things we should be concentrating on. Lets not worry about someone's words or someone's music or thoughts or images...they have no ammo other than making you think. And if you take that away, what do you have?

I'll tell you what you have. This:________________________________

Now on my last thought. If anyone would like to be a "Guest Blogger" please be my guest. I don't care if you disagree with what i say or if you want to write Haiku's about squirrels...i don't care. If you want to get in on this action here is what you do.

Write your entry. Spell check it (cause I won't). And e-mail it to with the subject "I just blogged on your couch" and i PROMISE i will post it. MMMKAY?

have fun


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