Thursday, May 27

Words From the Man Who SHOULD'VE Been President....please read this!!!

NEW YORK (CNN) -- Former Vice President Al Gore on Wednesday called for the immediate resignations of several Bush administration figures, blaming them for "the catastrophe that we are facing in Iraq."

In the speech at New York University, Gore singled out Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and national security adviser Condoleezza Rice.

He also included his former Clinton administration colleague, CIA Director George Tenet, even though he called Tenet "a personal friend" and "a good and decent and honorable man." But he said the U.S. intelligence community needs new leadership as well.

In a searing indictment, Gore said President Bush's "arrogance, willfulness and bungling" in Iraq have put Americans at risk around the world, and urged voters to oust him in November.

"The unpleasant truth is that President Bush's utter incompetence has made the world a far more dangerous place and dramatically increased the threat of terrorist attacks against the United States," said Gore, Bush's Democratic rival in the 2000 election.

"He planted the seeds of war. He harvested a whirlwind," Gore added. "And now the corrupt tree of a war waged on false premises has brought us the evil fruit of Americans torturing and sexually humiliating prisoners who are helpless in their care."

For the rest of this article go to:

I've said it before and i'll say it again. I am gay. No not literally, but god damn i get sucked in to that American Idol show. An THANK Freakin' GOD they got it right. Fantasia won, for those of you living in a hole.

Personally I had no clue how that pudgy, whiny, racoon-voiced Diana Degarmo made it as far as she did. Yeah some of you are gonna say "but she was only 16..." "she's good for how young she is." So fucking what!!! She's a sixteen year old who can sing well. BUT NOT as good as a few of the others that got voted off before her, and DEFINATELY not as good as Fantasia. I thought George had a certain sorta something going on. I'm betting he'll have an album out soon.

A good Idol finale would've been Fantasia and LaToya. Fantasia still would've won (we don't need another Whitney Houston...we had that in the first two seasons).

I hope you guys are into the new blog layout. I get bored easily.

Hey Jaime, I didn't ignore your guest blog...i lost it. HAHAH. Send it again and i'll put it up there.

Tuesday, May 25

Greetings, Freakshows.

Just wanted to let you know that YES you have the right page. I did some SLLIIIIGHT redesigns on the page. Test out the comments section for me...iiight?

Monday, May 24

Greetings residents of San Blogolitos. Sorry its been so long since my last post. I've been swamped working with the Lancaster New Era trying to get the Union Avenue strip published. All my hard work, sweat, tears, flatulations, have finally beared (or born?...i'm the master of grammar) fruit. The comic strip debuts in the evening edition so I"m just sitting here trying not to be excited. I'm actually dreading the article. I am not a "photogenic" person. I have one of those faces that just doesn't know how to fake a smile. Matter of fact, on a lot of pictures I've been in, I could've SWOOORRRN i was smiling but when I get the photo back I look like a sour-puss mofo. Why am i telling you this? Simply because a reporter showed up at my house the other day to do a feature article on the release of the strip. I tried to coax her photographer into taking a picture of ANYTHING but me. I recommended that she pull and old man off the street and take his picture and put my name on it. But that just ended up in some unpleasantness...the old man maced me then proceeded to pee his pants. So needless to say I have an upcoming court date...hahaha.

But really, they HAD to take my picture. And I HATE faking a smile. I mean, what do you think about to put a genuine smile on your face? I tried thinking about everything that I thought was funny. Cow fucking kinda brought a smile to my face. I also had a brief instance where I imagined a bus load of blind swimsuit models inviting me for a week long tour. Of course, in my day dream, I told them I was Brad Pitt's stunt double, which in turn leads to a gigantic grope fest where I end up winded and sweaty.

So now i'm completely dreading seeing that article. I really liked the idea of being a cartoonist because I THOUGHT i could lead my hermitous life and do my own thing...but nooooooooo....hahaha. For those of you with numb heads, I"m being sarcastic. Its sad that, by now, I have to clarify this but yes, i'm very very excited at the opportunity. I still hate having my picture taken. Maybe I should become a vampire...that no reflection thing is a real plus.

It was over 90 degrees here in muggy Amish country. And in typical fashion, my Air Conditioner went tits-up. My overweight Labrador, Gus, was on the verge of heat stroke and heart attack. His big fat ass was panting like R Kelly at a Girl Scout convention. Being the pro-active, go-getter that i am, i ran out to my favorite ethic hang-out (Wal Mart) and bought a AC Window unit. Those things are a HUGE pain in the ass to install. I thought it would be one of those "Slap-It-In and chill out." Oh no. OHHHHHH NO NO NO...that would be too easy.

So after 2 hours of installation steps which included alot of sweating, swearing and smashing fingers (apparently you need a fucking hammer to install a window unit) the AC was in. I had a brief moment of fear that when I turned the switch, the damn thing would take a dump on the rug and fall out the window...but no, it works. And no, Gus didnt' have a stroke. He's still working with all his faculties. YAY GUS!

hope everyone had a great weekend. I actually did. Drop me a line!

Wednesday, May 19

Here it is, another dreary *looks at calendar* wednesday. I look at the date and have to rub my eyes. Its almost june for cripes sake!!! JUNE??? I was having trouble believing that its March, let alone summer. I was still writing March on my checks!Someone has to slow down this clock or I'll be rotting in a box before I know it. Okay, that's a pretty gross visual but hey, we're all headed for dirt naps, might as well get used to it.

This little blog has become quite political. Well, lets not put a political title on it. Lets just say its quite outspoken. I enjoy the comments. I don't dig the user bashing so let me say this: If you come on and bash someone on this page and use an alias, I will blow your cover. BLOW YOUR COVER. And don't think you can hide from me. I'm big brother. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind anonymous comments but don't hack on someone cause they have an opinion.

Lets talk about violence for a second. One really great form of violence that I love is online mulitplayer gaming. I know i know...GEEK ALERT. But there is nothing more fun than strapping on a missile launcher and blowing your friend to wet, bloody bits. We've been playing Unreal and Half Life at lunchtime. Oh my God its so much fun. Its like therapy. So I'm wondering if people link this type of on-screen violence to real-life violence. I mean, I KNOW they do, I just can't figure out why...I mean, I guess you need to gauge the audience a bit. You can't have a nutcase playing this game. I GUESS that someone who is operating on not-quite-a-full deck would decide they love shooting video game characters so much that they go out and purchase a machine gun...maybe.

So for all you folks out there who AREN'T into mutilating small animals and running around with your underwear on the outside of your pants, you should gather your friends and get a good Deathmatch going. Kill your friends!

Side note: Union Avenue will appear in the Lancaster New Era on Monday May 24th. If you're in that area buy a fooking paper!

Monday, May 17

Very good Monday read. Hope you had a good weekend

CANNES, France -- Michael Moore's controversial anti-Bush film "Fahrenheit 9/11" has debuted at the Cannes Film Festival to resounding applause from film critics.

Moore, who is facing an uphill battle to get his movie into U.S. theaters this summer as planned, offers a relentless critique of the Bush administration both before and after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

"You see so many movies after they've been hyped to heaven and they turn out to be complete crap, but this is a powerful film," Baz Bamigboye, a film columnist for London's Daily Mail newspaper, told The Associated Press.

"It would be a shame if Americans didn't get to see this movie about important stuff happening in their own backyard."

Even Moore's skeptics seemed impressed.

"I have a problematic relationship with some of Michael Moore's work. There's no such job as a standup journalist," said James Rocchi, film critic for DVD rental company Netflix.

But Rocchi said "Fahrenheit 9/11" contains powerful segments about losses on both sides of the Iraq war and the grief of American and Iraqi families.

"This film is at its best when it is most direct and speaks from the heart, when it shows lives torn apart," Rocchi told AP.

The film links Bush with powerful Saudi families, including that of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.

It also includes pictures of Iraqi prisoners being abused, as well as grisly images of dead Iraqi babies and children burned by napalm along with maimed and injured U.S. soldiers.

The film takes its title from Ray Bradbury's novel "Fahrenheit 451," which refers to the temperature needed to burn books in an anti-Utopian society. Moore calls "Fahrenheit 9/11" the "temperature at which freedom burns."

Moore, who won an Academy Award for his film "Bowling for Columbine," is sill arranging for a U.S. distributor for "Fahrenheit 9/11."

Miramax financed the movie, but parent company Disney blocked the release because of its political overtones.

Miramax bosses Harvey and Bob Weinstein are working to buy back the film and find another distributor.

Outside the Cannes theater after the first "Fahrenheit 9/11" screenings, reporters asked Harvey Weinstein if the film would be released in the United States. Weinstein responded, "Have I ever let you down?"

Last week, Moore accused the Walt Disney Company of stifling free speech by blocking the distribution of his film.

Moore told CNN that Disney had said they did not want to upset the Bush family because of the risk of jeopardizing "tens of millions of dollars" in tax incentives.

The New York Times reported that Disney executives denied the allegation. One unnamed executive told the paper it did not want to be seen taking sides in the forthcoming U.S. election and risk alienating customers of different political views.

"We just chose not to be involved," Walt Disney CEO Michael Eisner said.

Moore said media companies such as Disney must allow all voices to be heard.

"We live in a free and open society where dissent is not to be stifled or silenced. They have violated that trust," he said.

"We have only got a few studios left and if we get to a point where they can decide that only these voices can be heard, how free and open is our society at that point?"

Thursday, May 13

Okay lets get off the political hullabuloo for a moment. I think I need a psychiatrist ovah heeyaahh. Some of you know that I used to play in Drives Like Fire and that it was a pretty huge part of who I was. The band decided to call it quits last month. The decision was actually made long before that but that's all neither here nor there. So anyway, we decided to wrap up the band and it was really a pretty good decision judging on how the band was progressing.

Those of you that know me basically know that I lived and breathed music whether it was writing or playing with the guys or just sitting out on my porch strumming my guitar. It basically consumed alot of my time.

So here comes the odd part. Since the band has ended I haven't touched my guitar. Correction: Yes I play my guitar with my friend Jack Dillman's band. But to me that's a job. I don't pick it up any other time. I don't even want to touch it!!!

Granted, it was a hard switch to get out of "the business" so maybe I just threw ALL the musical switches to off. It was a hard knock saying to myself "your dream is over, dingus." I don't know. But to me it feels like a broken relationship. I feel like i got dumped!! hahah. How fucked up is that? This coming from a person who used to typically write a new song a week. That has stopped. The well is dry.

Maybe I'm avoiding it. I guess I got to that age where I said "hey, you're almost 100 years old now...time to stop living an impossible dream." And that could be my problem. I don't think I ever played in a band without the desire to move to bigger things. Recording contract, tour, albums, the whole thing. I guess being in an eternal garage band just numbed my whole musical nerve. And that is a prime example of living unrealistically. I mean, I played cause I enjoyed it to a certain extent, but I wanted it to take me somewhere. So when it DIDN"T I guess I got a little sour. Twenty years of plugging in bands will do that to me anyway.

I'm really hoping that i can at least come back to sitting around the house playing my guitar and twiddling out tunes here and there. But right now I just can't bring myself to do it. Thanks for letting me vent. I ramble on from time to time.

Tuesday, May 11

Sorry for the late breaking post but my close friend who posts as "Franklin" asked me to insert his guest blog right "f'ing" now:

Okay all you tree hugging, Save the Whales motherfuckers who are so outraged by the Iraqi prisoner abuse, I want you to take one second and read this fucking release on After you read it, please let me know if you still feel the same over a few bumped and bruised Iraqi Sand Bitches.

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- An al Qaeda-linked Web site showed video Tuesday of a man who identified himself as an American and then was beheaded.

His captors said the United States refused to exchange him for prisoners in the Abu Ghraib prison.

"For the mothers and wives of American soldiers, we tell you that we offered the U.S. administration to exchange this hostage for some of the detainees in Abu Ghraib and they refused," says a hooded man standing behind the American.

"So we tell you that the dignity of the Muslim men and women in Abu Ghraib and others is not redeemed except by blood and souls. You will not receive anything from us but coffins after coffins, slaughtered in this way."

The video was discovered as a U.S. Senate committee heard testimony on the U.S. military investigation into abuse of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib. (Full story)

At the beginning of the tape, the victim describes himself as Nicholas Berg from Pennsylvania.

"My name is Nic Berg. My father's name is Michael. My mother's name is Suzanne. I have a brother and a sister -- David and Sarah," says the man.

"I live in West Chester, Pennsylvania, near Philadelphia."

This guy was not a soldier...he wasn't a government employee....he was your brother or your uncle or your father. LISTEN TO ME NOW...WHAT WE ARE DEALING WITH ARE SAVAGES...religious-bent nut jobs who kill in the name of God. KILL IN THE NAME OF GOD...did you hear me?? I believe that one of those commandments you guys follow is "THOU SHALL NOT KILL." So if you're not just a little bit outraged and you still fee sorry for those fucking Iraqi Shitbags then take out Nic Berg's name in this sentence and put your brother's name. Put your son's name in there....Put YOUR fucking safe and happy name in there and tell me a chill doesn't go down your back. I, for one, vote to turn Iraq into a fucking parking lot.

Franklin out...

Man ohhh man, that's what i'm talkin about. Love the comments, everyone (even if certain people are egging on other certain people). The only thing I ask is that you keep your sense of humor. Anyone reading this blog who takes it too seriously is bound to end up whacking their forehead against the wall repeatedly.

The guest blogs were alot of fun. I'm going to leave that invitation open for people. If you want to guest blog, just e-mail your entry to me at Like I said, I don't care what you talk about. And don't feel like you need to be outspoken or controversial. You don't always have to hit a nerve to be entertaining.

On that note I wanted to talk about my favorite subject: Reality TV: The Fall of Western Civilization

Most of you know that I pretty much dont do anything. I am working hard at the art of doing as little as I can...does that make sense? In my persistance, I watch a lot of TV. I try to steer clear of the networks (except for maybe the Simpsons and a couple other choice programs). But my better half LOVES the reality shows. So in order for me to spend time in the same room as her, I get stuck watching said reality shows.

The shows that fall in the reality category are bad enough. Its always nice to see beautiful people (who are subsequently fucked in the head) fight and backstab to reach a goal, whether it be staying on an island or marrying a goat or the opportunity to juggle midgets. But there is one show that completely drives me crazy.

The Swan

And i can't remember if i talked about this before but the show was on last night and I decided that I'd say my peace anyway. The Swan is a show that takes "Ugly" women and attempts to make them beautiful. If it were just that, I could appreciate the effort. But no. NO nononono...that's too easy. They "repair" 2 women a week. They dice and slice and chop and lipo these women and at the end of the show they bring them out where they can finally see the results. So here are these newly beautiful women, feeling great about themselves for the first time in howmany years. But here comes the catch...out of the two, one woman will be sent home and one will be entered into the Swan Beauty Pageant.

Does anyone see the evil in this. Hey, you were ugly with no self-esteem...we fixed your horrible nose and teeth and whatever and now you feel pretty good, right? Not so fast...not good enough, go home, you're not going to the pageant.

First off, me being the father of young women, I feel like this is sending entirely the wrong message. Now granted, some of the women that come on this show are busted. Dead ugly...bad teeth and giant noses. I can appreciate them wanting to get that stuff fixed. I TOTALLY understand. But a perfect example of the wrong message was the woman on last night. She was fine. I don't mean fine like HUBBA HUBBA, but there was nothing wrong with this girl. She had a little bit of a humpnose but it wasn't noticeable until she pointed it out. Her problem was self-esteem. She was carrying around the hurt of being made fun of when she was in third grade. THIRD GRADE!!! This bitch was 25 years old and nuttier than squirrel bowels.

What ever happened to uniqueness (is that a word)? The image of the "perfect female" has gone way too far and I think it creates a dilemma for young girls. They're not all built to look like 105 anorexic waifs. But does that mean they're not beautiful? So the young girls are watching this show and saying "man if I only had a nose job...or lipo...or tummy tuck...or porceline veneers..." I guess I just think that's a dangerous path.

I think the best reality TV show would be a survivor-type show where they drop 15 deathrow convicts on an island with a pack of matches and a knife and the last one out is the winner...that would take care of that nasty little inmate overpopulation problem.

Monday, May 10

Hello Gang and happy monday. I just wanted drop you a line cause we have another guest blogger on deck. Before I hit that I wanted to let you know that my comic strip "union avenue" is now appearing in the San Antonio Lightning, as well as soon to appear in the Lancaster New Era. For more info visit

Now onto our guest. This entry is from Missy J...everyone, feel free to leave comments:

When I first started opening my yap on Wit's blogthingy, I was kindly invited to guest blog for and with you fine folks and it left me thinking "hmmmm, what to say what to say???" so I let it go for a bit... til the news started really cranking my yank..or so to speak..

What THE HELL are our guys thinking with this prisoner abuse nonsense? OK OK..before everyone jumps on me..I HATE the way the iraqis are slapping this country in the face with all the nonsense over there..(but thats the governments job to get us out of there now..its been long enough)I feel they're incredibly ungrateful and they don't know how better off they are now that Hussein is gone.Most say Bush was in the wrong by intervening and whether that is or not...we still did them a huge favor and alot of them are acting like asses..BUT we're not going to solve anything by singling out a few prisoners and making examples out of them. All it is going to do is make things worse..I heard a commentary today that said.. "Having a picture of a female soldier sexually assaulting and humiliating a Muslim man is a recruitment poster for al-quaeda" Am I the only one that wants this done once and for all instead of this constant tit for tat shit? I mean yeah before I get accused of estrogen outbursts, there's a hell of a lot of things that they should answer for, but why make a few do it? Do ya know what I mean? Just because they're Iraqi?? Its hypocrisy and its making us no better than the terrorists or rebels over there or anything.. I want to see this solved and ended not more fuel being thrown on it, not the constant childlike whines of so-called adults (that claim to be superior to the silent or violence opposing Americans ) that scream "well they did this or they did that..or what about the Muslims that do this or think this.." Its sickening..ALL of it..BOTH sides... and innocent people are stuck in the middle.. our troops that are over there doing their jobs are going to suffer because some bullies wanted to play..

ok, I'll sit here and wait for your enraged comments.

yours with the big mouth,


Friday, May 7

I am soooooo gay. I must be. I sat through ALL TWO HOURS of the Friends Finale, afterwhich I attempted to kick my own ass. I was unsuccessful...i ended up with a sprained calf and a couple rug burns. But YES, i can admit it. I watched it. My girlfriend is a die-hard fan of the show. And I have to admit, the first 5 seasons were good. I really liked the shows. Then a sad thing started happening. They started fucking each other. In my humble opinion, the show jumped the shark when Chandler and Monica hooked up. I mean we already had the emotional struggle between Ross (whiny Jew kid with the mexican pompadour) and Rachel (i don't know what she looks like...all I know is that her nips were always standing at full attention like a Marine at reveille). And to me that was enough...Ross and Rachel. There were enough other interesting distractions, they didn't need to start hooking each other up. I thought that, if anything Joey and Chandler shoulda hooked THAT would've been a twist.

But to make matters worse, it wasn't bad enough we had Monica and Chandler...they had to top the shark jumping with an Evil Kineivel "Jump over Grand Canyon" equivalent...there was a brief and terrifying moment where Joey and Rachel almost hooked up. That's when I tuned out. I tried to stay on, hoping that maybe Chandler would get hooked on rubber cement, beat Monica mercilessly, and move back in with Joey. But NO. That would be too real.

So yeah, I tuned out for the last season but I had to come back and watch the finale. And I thought that it was good that they ended it the way they did. Hell, they could've ended it 2 seasons ago and gone out with their integrity intact, but hey that would be too real too...hahaha.

But, like I said, i liked the show in the beginning and I had my favorite characters. I think my top fav was phoebe...she had a twin sister in porn, she drove around in her own taxi cab, she wrote songs about smelly cats that only few people got. She was a hell of a good time. Joey was great too...the quintessential Himbo.

So today I feel a little too faggy for my own good. I think I better go eat a raw steak for lunch and dry hump a park bench to regain my manliness

thanks mike for pointing me to this image...hahaha

Thursday, May 6

I tried to put this in the comments section but it was too long winded...this is in reply to the string of comments from the previous post:

yeee haawww...this is what i'm talkin' about. Personally, I don't agree with Anonymonster's "Kill 'em All" mentality. Matter of fact, I"m not exactly sure he/she agrees with it either..hahaha. But I also don't agree with the fact that we're over there in the first place. I never have. I think if you read between the lines on anonymonster's post, what he/she is saying is that the only hope we have of winning this "war" is to use brute force...use drastic measures. Because mark my words, we're not going to WIN this war and i'll tell you why. Not only do the people we're fighting against hate americans, but the people who we're supposedly trying to liberate hate us as well. So as soon as you quash one group, another will be right back up there in line. I think its a pompous presumption to assume that Democracy will work everywhere. I think that is an INCREDIBLY pompous assumption.

Its becoming highly apparent to me this late in the game that George Bush's handbook for politics is The Bible. Now don't me wrong....Bible is a great handbook for your personal life if you don't take it too literal (you know the type of person I'm talking about) and if it brings a person some peace of mind then i'm all over that. But you can't use it to govern a nation. Specially a nation that supposedly prides itself on freedom of speech, religion, yada yada...

Hey Missy (if that's your real name), I liked your reply. It was very to the point. Wanna write a guest blog? It doesn't have to be on THIS subject. If you do, e-mail it to If you want me to keep it anonymous I will...i did it for the monster!

Wednesday, May 5

HEY HEY MY MY we have another guest blogger...This person asked to remain anonymous, or should i say Anonymonster. Ya heard??? Anyway, read between the outbursts to what this person is saying and make your own opinions. I, for one, salute you, ya nutty fart knocker!!!

hey all you dopes do you really wanna now why things are fucked up in iraq right now?

its cuz we didnt KILL enough people! we didnt kill enough men, women, children, babies, etc. we didnt savagely DESTROY, RAPE, AND PILLAGE. we didnt KILL FIRST and ask questions later. in short, we didnt do what we did to GERMANY AND COMPLETELY LEVEL THE ENTIRE COUNTRY, killing whoever got in our way, whether they were "uniformed" combatants or not; we didnt do what we did to JAPAN KILLING HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF INNOCENT CIVILIANS, and when they didnt give up quick enough we A-BOMBED THEM AGAIN. this is how WAR IS WON.

and for those of you who would dispute this just be glad you live in the UNITED STATES, where really stupid people who are ignorant of historical facts can still lead happy lives.

now i'm not saying i support our reasons for being there in the first place, but DAMN you dont win wars by negoitating with uneducated, blind followers, and fanatics, you win wars BY KILLING THEM AND THEIR FAMILIES AND NEIGHBORS, FRIENDS, PETS, ETC. until they have no choice but to COMPLETELY SURRENDER.

and i'll be voting for Kerry in November, but if i hear one MORE IDIOT talk about the myriad of stupid and HISTORICALLY PROVEN USELESS ideas to "win" the war other than KILLING LOTS AND LOTS OF IRAQIS i might sign up myself.


anonomonster ubber alles

ps i dare any of you jack offs to respond intelligently

Tuesday, May 4

A funny thing happened to me on the way to the grocery store...i ran into a celebrity. No, it wasn't Burt Reynolds or Bugs Bunny. It was our legend of yore, Bubba. We hung out and shot the shit for a while and eventually watched Texas Chainsaw Masacre. Great movie by the way....note the sarcasm. HAH. Anyhoo, Bubba is one of the lucky souls out there who has yet to bend under the weight of the technical era. Translation: He aint got no new fangled computer. Sooooo, i had to show him the blog. Basically i let him read the Bubba Chronicles. He got a big kick out it....his comments: "how the hell can you remember all this stuff??" My answer to that is that a great tale has a habit of lodging itself in my brain somewhere. Its probably pushing out the important information like my blood type (no clue) or my home phone number (I know theres a 5 and a 7 in there somewheres).

With that said, we got the green light from the big guy to keep going on tales of the bubster. So NOW all i have to do is rustle up some time to do it. But I promise that once things calm down a bit with the comic strip, i'll add another Urban Myth. By the time I'm done, Bubba will be the Paul Bunyan of East PA.

Speaking of comic strips...please visit my comic site at

So tell me, oh wise blog YOU get as apathetic about your job as I do? I mean, my job is cool, okay? I work on computers all day and for the most part its fun, challenging, yada yada...(I should write commercials for the army). But I feel like i'm in the wrong place. Does that make sense? Do you ever look around and go "what the hell am i doing here?" I feel like that Talking Heads song...This is not my beautiful house....this is not my beautiful wife!!!!

My question is how do you get past that? I'm having a heck of a time. Some folks say "take a few days off." They dont get it...a few days off willl only solidify the fact that I don't want to come to work. I wish I could get a job watching TV or taking a nap...i'd be the fucking CEO of the Napping Division at Lazy-Bastards-R-Us. I dont know....input? Talk amongst yerselves....but do it quietly, i'm trying to sleep.