Tuesday, May 4

A funny thing happened to me on the way to the grocery store...i ran into a celebrity. No, it wasn't Burt Reynolds or Bugs Bunny. It was our legend of yore, Bubba. We hung out and shot the shit for a while and eventually watched Texas Chainsaw Masacre. Great movie by the way....note the sarcasm. HAH. Anyhoo, Bubba is one of the lucky souls out there who has yet to bend under the weight of the technical era. Translation: He aint got no new fangled computer. Sooooo, i had to show him the blog. Basically i let him read the Bubba Chronicles. He got a big kick out it....his comments: "how the hell can you remember all this stuff??" My answer to that is that a great tale has a habit of lodging itself in my brain somewhere. Its probably pushing out the important information like my blood type (no clue) or my home phone number (I know theres a 5 and a 7 in there somewheres).

With that said, we got the green light from the big guy to keep going on tales of the bubster. So NOW all i have to do is rustle up some time to do it. But I promise that once things calm down a bit with the comic strip, i'll add another Urban Myth. By the time I'm done, Bubba will be the Paul Bunyan of East PA.

Speaking of comic strips...please visit my comic site at www.michaelwitmer.com

So tell me, oh wise blog readers...do YOU get as apathetic about your job as I do? I mean, my job is cool, okay? I work on computers all day and for the most part its fun, challenging, yada yada...(I should write commercials for the army). But I feel like i'm in the wrong place. Does that make sense? Do you ever look around and go "what the hell am i doing here?" I feel like that Talking Heads song...This is not my beautiful house....this is not my beautiful wife!!!!

My question is how do you get past that? I'm having a heck of a time. Some folks say "take a few days off." They dont get it...a few days off willl only solidify the fact that I don't want to come to work. I wish I could get a job watching TV or taking a nap...i'd be the fucking CEO of the Napping Division at Lazy-Bastards-R-Us. I dont know....input? Talk amongst yerselves....but do it quietly, i'm trying to sleep.


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