Wednesday, May 19

Here it is, another dreary *looks at calendar* wednesday. I look at the date and have to rub my eyes. Its almost june for cripes sake!!! JUNE??? I was having trouble believing that its March, let alone summer. I was still writing March on my checks!Someone has to slow down this clock or I'll be rotting in a box before I know it. Okay, that's a pretty gross visual but hey, we're all headed for dirt naps, might as well get used to it.

This little blog has become quite political. Well, lets not put a political title on it. Lets just say its quite outspoken. I enjoy the comments. I don't dig the user bashing so let me say this: If you come on and bash someone on this page and use an alias, I will blow your cover. BLOW YOUR COVER. And don't think you can hide from me. I'm big brother. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind anonymous comments but don't hack on someone cause they have an opinion.

Lets talk about violence for a second. One really great form of violence that I love is online mulitplayer gaming. I know i know...GEEK ALERT. But there is nothing more fun than strapping on a missile launcher and blowing your friend to wet, bloody bits. We've been playing Unreal and Half Life at lunchtime. Oh my God its so much fun. Its like therapy. So I'm wondering if people link this type of on-screen violence to real-life violence. I mean, I KNOW they do, I just can't figure out why...I mean, I guess you need to gauge the audience a bit. You can't have a nutcase playing this game. I GUESS that someone who is operating on not-quite-a-full deck would decide they love shooting video game characters so much that they go out and purchase a machine gun...maybe.

So for all you folks out there who AREN'T into mutilating small animals and running around with your underwear on the outside of your pants, you should gather your friends and get a good Deathmatch going. Kill your friends!

Side note: Union Avenue will appear in the Lancaster New Era on Monday May 24th. If you're in that area buy a fooking paper!


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