Friday, December 10

The world is going straight to hell in a giant hand-basket. Theres been all this emphasis on Homeland Security but my question is "who is going to protect us from the nut cases on the inside???" I'm less afraid of a foreign terrorist today than I am of a crazy kid with a gun.

The World is off its nut

Speaking of...Two days ago we had a fruit-loop get up on stage at a concert and shoot the guitarist of the performing band. Not one shot...not two shots...but FIVE shots. And he still had time to turn his gun on security and the shocked crowd. Why don't they ever shoot the people who need shooting? John Lennon gets shot but Ringo Starr is still galavanting around with that horrible hair cut and even horribler (my word...leave me alone) music. Kurt Cobain gets shot (self-inflicted of course) and Courtney Love OD's on substances once a week and still manages to abuse her daughter. Jam Master Jay is gunned down....Vanilla Ice...STILL ALIVE! Elliot Smith dead...Jason Mraz...STILL ALIVE!!! Dimebag Darrell shot dead....C.C. Deville way too alive...Martin Luther King gunned down....Jessie Jackson...STILL get my point.

The World is off its nut

I read today that in London there is a group of folks who want to put on a live nativity theme featuring all-gay cast memebers. Okay...whatever floats their boat but it sounds like they're doing this to spark controversy. But whats even more nutty: Protesters in London want to bring these folks up on criminal charges...Okay, that's as bad as hanging a girl for being a witch...lets move into the current century folks. Talk about infringement...

The World is off its nut

Washington is reporting that terrorists may use LASERS to blind pilots during landing procedures. What's next? Terrorist racoons with light sabers? Hey...keep America scared,'re doing a great job. Homeland Security once again stabbing in the dark.

Is everyone is getting in the Christmas spirit? Believe it or not I'm putting up my Christmas tree this weekend! Hope you all have a nice weekend. Stay warm. Tootles.


At 12:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your argument would be more effective if some of the people you mentioned hadn't shot themselves. Not that I disagree with you. However, I do take offense to people comparing Dimebag Dipwad to John Lennon, which I have heard, to my shock. The nativity scene in London isn't a gay nativity scene. It's a nativity scene created from wax figures from Madam Toussand's. It features David Beckham and Posh spice as Mary and Josphe. George Bush and Samuel L. Jackson as wise men, Hugh Grant and some gay guys as shepherds.

I put up my Christmas tree, but the cats have now knocked it over three times, and most of the balls are gone. The tinsel is hanging on by a thread. In all, a disaster. I really want to just throw it in the trash. But I'm hanging onto the Christmas spirit none the less.

At 12:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get this distinct feeling that you think the world is off its nut. ;-)

Dimebag is definitely no Lennon, but didn't this shooting take place on the 24th anniversary of Lennon's shooting? I dunno I could be wrong because I got that info off of a message board somewhere and didn't look it up, so...

There's a huge list of people in the world that actually need a good shooting, why pick on musicians you friggin' nutcases?

Mike St.

At 12:57 PM, Blogger Michael Witmer said...

Dear First Anonymous,
You are correct but the uproar was over the fact that they had homosexuals in the nativity. My point was that people wanted to bring charges against the folks showing this nativity scene. Freedom of Expression and all that.

Maybe your cats should get gunned down like Dimeball Daryl.

At 1:03 PM, Blogger Chris Becker said...

Yeah, there are entire categories of people that could be shot, and they pick on musicians?

Though, I have to say, the fact that this happend to someone relatively famous certainly makes it much more publicised than if it happened in some backwoods West Virginia town.

It's not like the percentage of musicians killed by someone off their rocker is any greater than every day citzens shot for the same non-reasons.

Either way, it's insane. I can hardly imagine punching most people in the face (unless they happen to throw a stapler at me), let alone shooting someone for apparently no reason.

I think it's time to institute the Island Policy. Put these idiots on an island with no hope of rescue and let them kill each other. Works for me..what about you?

At 3:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL. I love reading your blog Wit, it poses interesting questions and the right amount of humor. Keep up the good work!

At 4:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have more for you: Rasputin dead, David Blaine...ALIVE, Marlon Brando dead, Pauly Shore...ALIVE, All of Great White's fans dead, Great White...ALIVE

At 4:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rasputin??? That guy was a nutcase nightmare.

At 11:54 AM, Blogger Chris Becker said...

You listened to wit's bands and you didn't want to kill him? Hmmm..listening to that stuff always made me want to kill him....I mean...uh...give him money...yeah, that's

At 3:34 PM, Blogger Michael Witmer said...

No were more correct the first time...death was befitting.


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