Wednesday, November 24

Happy Thanksgiving Blog...

Well, here we are again...Thanksgiving Eve. The night before the Great Turkey Holocaust. The day before we all prepare to gorge ourselves on mounds of food and overdose on family members that, under EVERYDAY circumstances, make us a little crazy.

When I was a kid, Thanksgiving always ended up being somewhat of a spectator sport at my house. My family is one of the families I know. You could be sure that, at some point, something comparable to a barroom rumble would go down. It got to the point where we started actually videotaping our dinner because we all knew someone was going to flip out at some point. No, i'm not lying!

So I looked forward to Thanksgiving like it was a World Fighting Championship title match cause I knew that someone (ie: one of my sisters) was going to end up flipping their wig and running out of the house. These were great moments for me....they were my "Kodak moments" if you will. The kinda moments that made you a little giggly and excited but sick in your stomach all at the same time. And it was always Thanksgiving.

Our family does a lot of stuff together...Christmas, The Great Halloween Pumpkin Carve-Off, July 4th...and usually they all go off without a hitch. But there is something about Thanksgiving in my family that just sets them all off. I don't know if its that sleepy turkey drug (triptofan?) or the stress of preparing a huge meal or coordinating the dessert trays...i don't know. But it turns nuts. I won't mention any names but at the height of drama, anonymous family members have been known to offer all sorts of threats involving:

1. The electric meat cutter
2. The Turkey baister
3. The Candle wand (you know that big clicky thing that you light candles with)
4. A butter knife
5. Something to do with a foot and "where the sun don't shine"
6. The lawn mower
7. Kicking dogs down steps (i wonder who that one came from??)
8. Kicking kids down steps
9. The gravy boat
10. And my favorite...Hot mashed potatoes and boxer shorts....

So that being said, Thanksgiving was always great when i was growing up...tons of material to work with. But somewhere down the line, my happy train came screeching to a halt. That all happened about the time I bought my own house. I still remember the horrible day like it was yesterday. We were sitting at my mom's dinner table discussing the upcoming holidays. Everything was fine. No reason for alarm. And, my then-girlfriend (now wife), still being the Witmer-Family green horn that she was, brought everything crashing down around me with one tiny sentence.

We could have Thanksgiving at our place.

I couldn't believe it...i heard the words coming out of her mouth in slow motion and still i could do nothing to stop it. Had there been food in my mouth, i'd be dead from asphyxiation. I sat there stunned as that sentence rolled off her tongue. I mean, what could I do? Pull a Steven Segal and hurl a butter knife at her head??

I imagined myself diving across the table in one of those action-movie slow-mo's screaming "noooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!" as I flew through the air. But no...i just sat there, eyes big as saucers. And as my saucer eyes wandered from my wife to my mom I knew what had happened.

The damage was done.

My mom looked as if someone had just lifted a minivan off her and suddenly she was walking on the moon. I looked over at my step-dad and he smiled at me. It was the smile of a carnival barker who just took $5 from a kid to see the Amazing Toad Boy, knowing very well that it was just a kid with a couple warts. He's just passed the torch to me and I wanted to light him on fire with it.

I'd been duped. screwed. horn-swaggled. And suddenly, Thanksgiving was another one of those holidays I could just do without (like Christmas...sorry folks...can't handle that one either).

So this year, Thanksgiving is at my place. And YES, i'm going to put the video camera up in the corner of the dining room. And YES, I'm hoping for some more creative threats and a few stomping, angry feet. And with any luck, my dogs will survive the weekend without a single tumble down the stairs. .....


At 10:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHHAHA


My side of the family usually just ends up laughing so hard we're crying, gasping for breath and calling out "ow, it hurts" will grabbing our stomachs (that would be from all the laughing mind you). We laugh over the stupidest things too...surprised? haha But hey, it's all good. Christmas is usually the same, but the level of laughter is higher :)

Once're awesome with the descriptions :)

I always feel like Im a fly on the wall of your memory banks. As if I was there...haha

Either way, have fun and may no one get a fork in the eye!

Happy Turkey Day!!

gobble gobble


At 10:46 AM, Blogger Chris Becker said...

My favorite thing about Thanksgiving (aside from all skinned roasted fowl and various forms of potato and other starch based food which allow me to continue the growth of my "spare tire") has always been the football games.

Call me an old softy, but there's nothing like sitting back on a comfy easy chair before, during, and after a big meal and watching the opposing teams grunt and groan (as if they just gave birth to the very turkey you are eating) while pummeling each other.

Nothing like inspiring grid iron play to make you want to...get out there and...oh wait...the tryptophan is kicking in....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......

At 11:06 AM, Blogger Jaime_Sher said...


you make me howl with laughter.. thanks for sharing that!

At 12:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you exaggerate a little. Of course you didn't mention your role in the Thanksgiving fiasco. How you and Gramps used to like to get your nephew screaming and crying by telling him there was onions in the filling. Then once he was good and freaked out, you would tell him there was onions in the bread, in the mashed potatoes, in the turkey, until he was screaming, crying and running from the room. Apparently he didn't like onions too much. Then there was the time Jen left a dirty diaper on the heater...


At 12:55 PM, Blogger Michael Witmer said...

Exaggerate my crack!

Sadly, I wish I could take credit for making Chance scream about the onions but that was all Gramps. I was still in the military when Chance was a little wussy and didn't have the pleasure of making him go onion-crazy.

At 5:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Buddy the Elf! What's your favorite color?


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