Monday, November 29

My Nurse's Name is Mary Jane:

Howdy friends. Hope everyone survived the Turkey Holocaust. I still feel bloated and lethargic but at least i'm well-fed. Now before you move forward on today's blog, you're going to have to read this article...or at least get the general idea because the topic for today is Medicinal Marijuana article

Did you read it? Matt, I know you didn't but that's okay... I'll give you a run-down. There are a number of states currently fighting to make it legal for citizens to use and grow marijuana for medicinal purposes. Now when I say medicinal, i'm not talking about a slight cataract in your eye so don't go running to your eye doctor asking for a prescription. I'm talking about the truly sick...cancer...that kinda thing.

Let me first step up and say that I don't see why marijuana is illegal but I think that if the government had it their own way, DANCING would be illegal so thank your lucky stars you can still go to a strip club (for boys or girls that is) or buy a beer (even if it does lead to wife-beating and a lot of car crashes).

So that being said...the recreational side-effects aside, pot does have some qualities that are redeeming in the eyes of a sick person. Have you ever seen a person undergoing chemotherapy? Have you ever known someone with the sort of sickness (like Krones Disease) where not only do you not want to eat, the thought of food makes you feel like you're going to die? I have and I'm sure most of you have too. In that article I linked, it mentioned a women who had gone through something like 12 different medicines to help keep her weight up and help her relax. None of them worked. And she basically says in the article, "without marijuana I would son would not have a husband would not have a wife."

Folks, this is not the talk of a strung-out, Fast Times At Ridgemont High, pot head. This is someone who just wants to survive. So i guess question is: Should the Government drop the hammer on medicinal marijuana across the board or should it be case-by-case?

No, I am not one of those "LEGALIZE ALL DRUGS" hippies who dream about moving to Amsterdam and living on a staunch diet of hash brownies, hash pancakes, hash pizza, etc. But the Government needs to take a wider look at what's going on. In a time when morals have come into play so strongly, how can we slam the door shut?

Watch CNN to find out the outcome of this topic. In the meantime...what are your opinions?


At 2:48 PM, Blogger Chris Becker said...

I'm all for freedom of weed...under the aforementioned kind of circumstances, of course.

I think any aid to relieve pain should be considered for those in dire need of relief.

(Wouldn't you be distraught if somoene wouldn't allow you to take advil after someone threw a stapler at your head?)

So, in my opinion, it should most cerainly be legal. It's no like there isn't an ample supply.

On the same token, I'm not exactly expecting legalization to allow papa john's to offer pot as one of their "better ingredients".


At 2:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wit, I have to say this. You sure have a sick way with words. You usually make strong points regardless of whether I agree or not. I have to agree with that cbeck guy too. I had a friend recently pass away (your friend too, wit) from brain cancer. Anything that eases a person in a time like that is good.

Keep writing, ya big jackass

At 6:45 PM, Blogger Jaime_Sher said...

Yeah, I have to say,Wit, I think marijuana should be leglaized.. they have FAR worse things that are legal, and my poor mother, God rest her soul, was on MOST of them for pain relief and I saw the sickness she went through trying to find some peace. I don't think I'm as liberal as you on some things, maybe I'm wrong.. thats actually a guess.. but thats my honest opinion on that one.


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