Friday, November 26

Alright, lets be honest for a moment. How many of you woke up extra early to drag your turkey-bloated arses to the shopping mall? I know at least one of you had to have. And thus begins the madness that is Christmas. Its now safe to put up Christmas lights (if you've taken them down from last year). It might even be proper ettiquette to raise a christmas tree...i don't know.

Malls are bad enough during the "off-season." But that timeframe between today and December 24th is downright terrifying!

Personally, Christmas itself scares the living hell out of me. Its a really akward time of year. And you all know what I mean. For starters, trying to pick something out for people stresses me out. I'm the kinda guy where I'd much rather give you money and say "go get what you want." I'm the type of person who would rather let YOU go get what you want rather than me try and wrap something thoughtful, meaningful, personal, and worst of all unique into a bubbly x-mas package. And I"ll tell you why...because I HATE GETTING PRESENTS. Now don't get me wrong...getting stuff is a lot of fun, when its the RIGHT stuff. But how often is it right?? Three-quarters of the time you're putting on the holiday poker face. You know exactly what I mean.

Its Christmas're at Aunt Gertrie's house...she hands you a stare at the beautiful box sitting on your lap. Most people think you're admiring the colorful christmas wrapping paper that includes a snowman with an Elvis wig and sun glasses. But you're not. You're rehearsing your reaction. You're running down the checklist before you tear open the box. Okay...not too excited, don't over-do it. Don't look too bored. Don't appear to be shocked.

Because you know very well that inside that box is the same damn sweater she bought for you last year. The same one you wore to Christmas dinner THIS year even though the sleeves are too long and the color is a little too close to pink for you to handle.

And, yes, it IS the thought that counts. But all you're thinking is "is this worth a trip to the mall to exchange?" And this leads me back to my original point I was trying to make.

Malls at Christmas them or hate them??


At 4:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there anyone out there who ISN'T negative? Who shares my Christmas cheer and the feeling that this is the best time of year? I hope so. Otherwise I'm going to go shoot myself.


At 8:07 AM, Blogger Michael Witmer said...

no no..don't get me wrong. I love Christmas. I love the atmosphere and the lights and the food and santa claus is my number one honky. I love all the christmas specials on TV. Rudolph and Frosty and the greatest christmas story ever told "Nightmare Before Christmas."

I just do not dig the shopping aspect or the gift giving/receiving. I'm really bad at it.

At 5:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know Wit
i'm actually surprised at your lack of sensitivity to those who may not share our joy in the birth of our Lord & Saviour!
i believe the correct way to address fellow free thinking (or the NON-red state) people as i believe you call them is:

Happy RamaHanuKwanzMas !!!


At 6:59 PM, Blogger Michael Witmer said...

LOL...i never said the blue states were free thinkers. If they were they would have better sense. hahaha. I everyone is jumping on me for not liking christmas (or x-mas for you heathens)...i just don't like christmas presents!!!

hey mic this tuesday?

At 1:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone out here is walking around with a long face grumbling about the holidays being here again. So I aggrevated them more by walking around work today singing "the most wonderful time of the year." I told them if they didn't fucking smile I was going to kick their ass. As far as gift giving, you don't want em? Give em to me. I loves it!

At 9:59 PM, Blogger Jaime_Sher said...

Ok I may be late posting, but I wanted to put my 2 cents in. Im kinda neautral about malls at Christmas and the whole gift giving thing.. I really dont care if I get anything.. Im a true blue diehard Mom.. of course its nice to get gifts, but Im not upset if I dont. I cant say that I mind the malls TOO much.. I get stressed just like anyone else and probably just as often as anyone else.. but I get over it cause my kids are still at fun ages, and I really do dig all the joy that goes with Christmas.. so that makes it easier. Their ages being 11, 6, 3, and 2 and for the most part, as far as I know they all still believe in Santa and I get to put the babies to work helping to set up the manger scene and explain the story of baby Jesus to them.. seeing their faces when the lights get lit and the tree goes up.. it all makes the stress and the malls more bearable.. and thats not easy cause money is EXTRA tight this year. Merry Christmas, everyone .. in case I dont get to say it later!


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