Monday, January 3

HAPPY NEW YEAR YA Toady Bastards!!!

Hope everyone had a great holiday. It was nice to have a few days away from the grind. Got together with my friends from our UK Phenomenon "Backslider." We set up shop in my living room and proceeded to annoy the neighborhood with our brand of off-kilter fudge, i do not know what fudge rock is so don't ask me.

Something odd happened over the last two weeks that seems to have me reeling a bit. I picked up my guitar and played just for the fun of it. I've been a little disgruntled with the rigamaroo that is involved with trying to be a band. I was just beat down by the whole idea of playing music in general. Yeah, i still played guitar for my buddy Jack's band but it was just something to do to keep me moving. And until recently I could've tossed it away and not even been bothered by the whole thing. But then something came into my life...its called Open-Mic Night. My friends and I have been making it a point to play the Tuesday Night Open Mic at a bar up the street from my house called The Ritz. And after 7 months of writing absolutely nothing, i'm a bit giddy to say that i'm writing tunes again. Songwriting is definately something you need to keep at to stay on your game. So needless to say, these new songs completely suck ass...but they are new and that's something. In our fudge-rock weekend, Bob and I actually discussed putting something new together. Tuesday we're going to lug our amps to a barn in the middle of Amish Land and play with a bass player and geetarist we met. Could this be a new outing? one thing is for will be drank...small animals will run in fear...and we may just connect for a bright shining moment. It usually happens on the G chord. Everyone loves G.

I've been consumed with a few new albums (and they may not be new to you, reader...but I still need to mention them).

Taking Back Sunday - Where You Want To Be - lots of energy wrapped around some interesting stuff.
Jimmy Eat World - Futures - I love this album so much that i'm sending it to people as christmas presents.
U2 - How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb (this was one that I really didn't like when I listened to it....still don't like the single "Vertigo" but the rest of the CD is beautiful).
Green Day - American Idiot - If you're not a fan of the Green Day 2 minute pop-punk, then this is the album for you. They literally stepped out of their skin and wrote some amazing songs.

Watched a movie last night called "Garden State" which I thought was simultaneously hilarious and poignant. But from watching that movie i'm going to buy the new Shins Album too...yeah, i only heard a short clip of one song but fuck it...i'm a risk taker. I like to live dangerously. One time I made an ugly face at a doberman...that pussy dog didn't do nuthin....RISK TAKER!!!

Being the risk taker that i am i'm going to step out on another limb here. Dont hate me, hippies. But I am so fucking sick of Dave Matthews that i'm tempted to kill a couple whales and chop down a redwood tree just to spite his hippy ass...ok...i'm done now.


At 1:09 PM, Blogger Jaime_Sher said...

dave matthews has been on my nerves too...

.. scroll back to when you announced your retirement.. im smugly countered in the corner of my world.. oh youll be back.. i think you knew that too.. but anywho.. good for you.. my mom said no matter what direction it may be youre going in just make sure its the one you want.. even if you look lost to others..

ya know whats been on my nerves? hiphop in general.. especially beyonce.. now if thats what you like good for you and im not gonna sit here and exclaim it all sucks.. its just that I dont care for most of it. The women always sound like theyre wailing.. the men need to stop writing songs only about womens bodies, and the various functions that they have and of course we can all do without violence.. not saying its ALL bad.. but most of it is sounding the same to me and i grew weary of it..

At 1:15 PM, Blogger Michael Witmer said...

Still gonna be there on Tuesdays...probably be up there tomorrow around 9:30

At 7:27 PM, Blogger Chris Becker said...

DUDE...where'd you get all that cool music?

Also, I would like to once again offer my services on the triangle.

....and one more should try... a minor c major... people like that, too...

At 3:54 PM, Blogger Michael Witmer said...

you found your singing voice? was it under the couch? I find that when I lose things, they end up under the couch.

The BEST part of Garden State was when they went to visit the millionaire guy and he shot that flaming arrow up into the air.

I think I pee'd myself at that point.

Oh..and Balls on the Forehead was an interesting part too.

At 8:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I once found three bucks and five chapsticks under the couch. Guess the cats dragged them under there. I was more thrilled about the chapstick.


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