Friday, July 16

Hello Fancy Pants,
Its been quite a while since my last official if you're wondering, the only reason why I stopped writing for a while is basically because I had nothing worthwhile to say.  SERIOUSLY...i just went dry.  And that is an oddity for a person like myself...BUHLEE DAT, Yo!
Anyway, after the urging of a select few friends...Teresa was leading the pack on this one I believe...i decided to start writing again just to see what comes out.  
I'd like to get some feedback from youin's if you're up for it.  The blog started getting really political for a while there.  Was that a good thing or a bad thing?  What do you think.  Everyone loved the Bubba stories.  Even Bubba!  I'm going to try and put a few more up there.  Don't count on daily posts.  I'm just sticking my feet in the water to see if my toes get bitten off by the sharks.
Its been four months since Drives Like Fire closed its doors and liquidated all its assets.  For me it seems a lot longer.  For those of you who have followed the musical careers of both myself and my comrad in arms (bob), there is some light in the tunnel.  Not a very bright one, mind you.  Probably more like one of those little green glow sticks but at least something is burning.  I'm not going to elaborate on any musical projects at this point because as soon as I do, we'll go down in flames like Steve Wonder piloting a 747 over the Rockies.
Glad to be back...glad yer here....glad that all my organs are still functioning (if only on minimum capacity). 
If you're bored, go visit the Union Avenue comic strip page and find out what's shakin....
PS:  Still accepting guest blogs....feel frisky?


At 10:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey welcome back, wit.. wasnt very nice what ya did ya know that? shot us all up on that blog drug.. kept it coming steady.. then started slacking off a bit so wed sit up and beg.. kinda like dangling that sloppy steak infront of a starving dog.. just when our ears perk up and we notice somethings changed and start to whimper...WHAM there goes the carpet out from under our paws... were flat on our backs watching ya run in the other direction.. *nods emphatically* yeah we see how ya are.. and then we write blogs and they go byebye...

oh the humanity!

always good to see ya, wit..

At 10:46 PM, Blogger Michael Witmer said...

Yeah I'm a bastard...LOL!! Well thanks for coming back though...even if it was to tear me a new bung hole...I deserve it.

At 11:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes you do deserve it ya TEASE, had us all addicted and POOF gone like a fart in the wind. Good to see this back up and running, I think we all love the Bubba stories,(and your everyday rambling) so get crackin' ya slacker! :)


At 10:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I guess I would have been the first poster but I forgot my password and the stupid thing still has not sent it to me...blah.

Either way...

DANG! Took ya long enough :) haha I totally understand your "dryness" but that doesnt mean I can always deal with it so thanks for coming back, even if it's only for a brief moment! haha After reading this one, once again, I laughed out loud and was cracking up over your choice of words. As for political's your blog, you can talk about whatever your little heart desires. I'll read but I usually prefer the funnier stuff. I know you've been wanting a guest blog from me and I have not forgotten but I just havent felt an urge to write about anything.


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